Newsletter 2-5-2025
Unadilla Billie predicts an early Spring!
Well, another Groundhog Day celebration is in the books, and Billie predicted an early Spring! I had to stay home due to that horrible flue that's going around, but thanks to my Cub Reporter, Bob Wilhelm, we have photos! And we again got a shout out from Al Roker! It was a great crowd I'm told, and the vendors were happy with the turn out. There are still some Groundhog shirts available at Nitty Gritty. I'm loving seeing some of YOUR photos! This year's King is Ryan McIntosh and Queen is Bev Wilhelm. Congratulations to you both! Between them they raised over $17,000 for local projects and improvements to Unadilla. If anyone has photos of the coronation, please send them to me so I can share them here!
Something new this year...Camel rides! The Wallen kids gave it a thumbs up!
Maureen Vogt headed the raffle:
Winners were: Chili Soup 1st place: Steve Cooper;
Other Soups: 1st place: Alex R. Schwartman, 2nd place: Kevin Rohlfs, 3rd place: Nina Jean Rohlfs
Spam: 1st place: Dustin Gerdes, 2nd place: Steve Cooper
Jerky: 1st place: Jason Sparr, 2nd place: Jason Sparr, 3rd place: Marsha Scheinost
Vendors in the gym reported good sales
Photos: Bob Wilhelm
The combined Color Guard of the Syracuse Legion and VFW always leads the parade!
L - R: Hayden Baker, Scott Halvorsen, Bob Wilhelm, Gerry Davis
Photo: Maddie Hillman
The rest of the parade begins! Thanks so much to John Moss for sharing his photos!
1929 Franklin Sport Touring Sedan driven by Bob Bryan
Bob Bryan
1929 Franklin Sedan driven by Steve Jones
Steve Jones
Jason Newby in his 1927 Ford TT truck...original
Tyson and Marcia Bryan
Brad Halliwill and Tammy
Owner: Glen Isaacs
Gavin Wardyn & Glen Isaacs
Senator Pete Ricketts
Al & Diane Hanks
Bartling Brothers
Andrew Kimbell
Randy Baucke
Senator Pete Ricketts, King Ryan McIntosh, Queen Bev Wilhelm
Photo: Livia Wilhelm Wagner
Kristi Buller & Granddaughter
Donna Crownover, Lynn Schomerus, Maureen Vogt
Dan Snyder
Randy Baker
Dan Anderson
That's All Folks!!!
2-5 Jason Isaacs
2-6 Keith & Sandi Kimbell
2-7 Nyle Bartling
2-10 Pat Lechner, Erin Brehm Steinhoff
Friday, 2-8-1924, The Otoe Union:
"SIGNS DO NOT FAIL: Saturday was one of the brightest and fairest days we have had for a long time. The sun shone brightly all day and the air was soft and balmy. It was also Groundhog Day and if that little beast of ancient fame was able to come forth, he certainly saw his shadow, unless he was blind!" L.F. Parker reported there were so many candidates for County Commissioner, there wasn't any more room left on the ticket!
Delivering for the Post Office in bad weather (after 1912)
The Post Office was the very west space in what is now Mal's Bar & Grill