Groundhog Day 2009
Waiting for the parade to start Groundhog Day 2009
Past Chairman of the Board, Russell Ziemann, during dedication of the new Main Street on Groundhog Day 2009.
Color guard from Massie-Richards American Legion Post #100 (2-7-2009)
Junior High Band (2-7-2009)
2008 Royalty: Brad Hanes and Karla Kastens (2-7-2009)
Head Groundhog, Bob Brandt, and Grand Marshall, Greg Wagner, NE Game & Parks. (2-7-2009)
Ebert family float "Eat Spam - It's really ground hog!" (2-7-2009)
Groundhog Chicks (2-7-2009)
2009 Royalty King Marcus Wilhelm and Queen Nikki McWilliams (2-7-2009)
Dancing to the polka band at the Duncan Building. (2-7-2009)
A "postcard" from Unadilla (2-7-2009)
Past Chairman of the Board, Russell Ziemann, during dedication of the new Main Street on Groundhog Day 2009.
Darrel Draper portrays J. Sterling Morton at Groundhog Day 2009
Silent auction and craft fair at the gym, Groundhog Day 2009