May 30, 2019
A Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the Village of Unadilla, NE, was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2019 in the Library at the Community Center. Notice of said meeting was given by posting in the three following places with the village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center message board, published in the Syracuse Journal-Democrat, published on and at the site of the rezoning property . A copy of said notice was served to each member of the Planning Commission. Members present were Steve Vodicka, Rod Wellsandt, Matt Daharsh and, Dan Anderson. Absent and not voting: Joseph Peterson. Visitors: Dan Crownover
The Meeting was called to order by President Steve Vodicka. He informed everyone where the Open Meetings Act poster was located.
NEW BUSINESS: Open Public Hearing
Vodicka opened the public hearing at 7:30
- Final approval of replat of Lot 1, Unadilla 2nd Addition, and part of the N.W. ¼ of the N.W. ¼ of Section 11, Township 8 North, Range 10 East of the 6th P.M., Otoe County Nebraska
(Submitted were the following: affidavit of publication of notice and statement of posting sign),
- Final approval of preliminary plat of Cardinal Heights Subdivision, legally described as a tract of land located in part of the N.E. ¼ of the S.W. ¼, Section 2, Township 8 North, Range 10 East of the 6th P.M., Otoe County, Nebraska (Submitted were the following: affidavit of publication of notice and statement of posting sign),
- Application for change of zoning district from Transitional Agriculture to Medium Density Residential for the following described real estate located in part of the N.E. ¼ of the S.W. ¼, Section 2, Township 8 North, Range 10 East of the 6th P.M., Otoe County, Nebraska (Submitted were the following: affidavit of publication of notice and statement of posting sign),
Public comments: No public comments. Discussion among Planning Commission Members on 3 items.
Vodicka closed the Public Hearing at 7:55 p.m.
Item 1. Above: Daharsh made a motion to approve the recommendation of the final replat to the Village Board and to have President Vodicka sign the plat, Wellsandt seconded, and on
a roll call vote: Anderson, yea, Daharsh, yea, Wellsandt, yea, and Vodicka, yea, motion carried.
Item 2. Above: Crownover explained some changes to the preliminary plat of Cardinal Heights and Anderson made a motion to approve the recommendation to the Village Board to approve the preliminary plat of Cardinal Heights Subdivision, Daharsh seconded, with a roll call vote: Anderson, yea, Daharsh, yea, Wellsandt, yea and Vodicka, yea, motion carried.
Item 3. Above: Wellsandt made a motion to approve the recommendation for the change of zoning district from Transitional Agriculture to Medium Density Residential to the Village Board, Anderson seconded, and on a roll call vote: Anderson, yea, Daharsh, yea, Wellsandt, yea, and Vodicka, yea, motion carried.
Anderson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00, seconded by Daharsh.
The next regular meeting will be July 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m., at the Village Library.
___Corinne Zahn________________________________________
Recording Secretary