March 09, 2022


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Center Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustee’s present:  Dan Crownover, Janet Oelke, Scott Hincker and Clark Stubbendeck. Absent and not voting, Dale Stoner.  Visitors: none.

Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.

Hincker made a motion to approve the February 2022 minutes; Stubbendeck seconded, and on a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea.  None voted nay. Motion carried 4-0.

Oelke made a motion to approve the February 2022 treasurer’s report, bank statements, reconciliation, and receipts, Hincker seconded. On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea.  None voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.

The following claims were reviewed:

          Corinne Zahn                80.75 hrs wage, vb,’s,           $1,534.12

          Barb Wilhelm                27.5 hrs. wage                            371.34

          Arlin Rohlfs                    30 hrs wage                                457.13

          Ed Meinke                     145 hrs wage                            2,632.91

          Post Office                    stamps                                        116.00

          Dan Crownover            wage/meeting                             138.52

          Clark Stubbendeck      wage/meeting                             115.44

          Dale Stoner                  wage/meeting                             115.44

          Janet Oelke                  wage/meeting                             115.44

          Scott Hincker                wage/meeting                             115.44

          Doug Ebert                   2.5 hrs/lic. sewer renew              195.02

          Syr Iron Works             repair handrail                               63.48 

          RWD#3                         village water                            2,107.50 

          Dish Network                TV Comm Ctr                                84.69

          Syracuse Iron Works    light pole repair                          125.00

          Added Touch                plant                                               85.00

          DHHS                           water test                                       43.00

          Papillion Sanitation      garbage service                      2,024.25

          IRS                                employee 941                          1,165.26

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          NE Dept. of Rev           Sales Tax                      $     162.97

          OPPD                           elec at water pit                      33.00

          NC Utilities                    utilities                               2,452.02

          Syr Do It Best               paint, washer, bolts               40.13

          Lovell Excavating         valve repl 5th & H              1,500.00         

          Windstream                  phone/office                           75.81

          Gana Trucking             water line repl, hauling        718.75

          Lovell Excavating         curb stop repl 625 5th St.     800.00

          Lovell Excavating         labor 6th St. waterline      13,000.00

          Westover Rock             rock waterline 6th St.            793.08

          JP Cooke                      dog license tags                     82.50

          Scott Bornemeier         cell phone boost, shop         484.00

          Kurt Kastens Elec        furnace wiring, Library          239.11

          Kay Park Recreation    3 smokers butlers                449.00

          Quill                               trash can liners                      34.07

          Quill                               labels, liners,                          63.48

          Quill                               ink, envelopes,                    150.65

          Municipal Supply          7 invoices, waterline         4,047.55

          NDEE                            wastewater training             150.00


Stubbendeck made a motion to approve the claims, seconded by Hincker.  On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay, motion carried 4-0. 


          The amount of the Keno check was $0. Keno was installed at Mal’s Bar & Grill on March 7th.

          Water consumed: 743,000; water paid for: 533,000; balance for month:

 -210,000; YTD: -606,000. The new water line replacement project on 6th Street has been completed and all tests came back good.  Some of the water loss was due to flushing that new line.  The new valve on 5th & H Street has been installed and a new curb stop installed at 625 5th St.

          Schoolhouse items:  Hemje Plumbing and Heating installed the new furnace/ac unit in the library.  Clerk reported the coating on the gym floor was peeling off.  Eagan Supply has been called and they scheduled to redo the floor on March 28th

          Unadilla BBQ:  A new water slide tarp has been ordered and received.  Crownover and Zahn will attend the Young Men’s Club on March 17th to discuss helping this year with setting up the waterslide, cooking, and the horseshoe tournament. Dan Masters will help in preparation with the food.  Mal’s Bar & Grill

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will also help with the food.  Zahn contacted the Ebert Family to see if they would be interested in running the Fun Run.  They will let us know. 

          Street Project:  JEO to finish up paperwork and will contact Village Attorney, Jerry Stilmock with the final documents.

          Quonset (OPPD) Property:  A lease has been received, and Crownover met with insurance agent Barry Brandt to go over if any additional insurance coverage is needed.  Brandt will get back with us on that.

          Public Comments:  none




          Unadilla cleanup day was discussed. Saturday June 18th will be the day. Clerk to contact Papillion Sanitation to see about a dumpster. 

          Oelke made a motion to approve the April bond interest payment of $5,996.25, Stubbendeck seconded, on a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea.  None voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.

          Dawn Prelle inquired about having a Farmers Market downtown or at the park this summer probably starting in July.  The Board decided to let them have it on the street if it did not interfere with the parking for the downtown businesses.

          The lights on the tennis court were blown out during the windstorm in December.  Nebraska City Utilities was contacted to replace those lights and they indicated that the lights were owned by the Village.  They will discuss to see if renting the fixtures from them would be able to do maintenance on them then.  Carl and Stewart Abbott will be in touch with Crownover.

          Stubbendeck made a motion to accept the bid from Pavers for $497,723.80 for the 2021 Street Improvement Project seconded by Hincker.  On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.  Zahn will contact Evan Wickersham of JEO on the award of the bid.   

          The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed. Account #037, 048, 067, 075, 088, 104, 108, 114, 115, 137, & 170.  Water will be shut off on delinquent accounts in April. 

In correspondence: The Audit waiver was approved by the State Auditors Office.  Dog license letters will be mailed out in March. 


The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Next meeting: 4-13-22 at the Village Library                                                       


                    Village Clerk-Treasurer



A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for inspection at

The Village Office during normal business hours.