July 13, 2022


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Center. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Janet Oelke, Scott Hincker and Clark Stubbendeck. Absent and not voting, Dale Stoner. Visitors:  none

 Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.

Stubbendeck made a motion to approve the June 2022 minutes, Hincker seconded. On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 4-0.

Stubbendeck made a motion to approve the June 2022 treasurer’s report, bank statements, reconciliation, and receipts.  Hincker seconded. On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.

The following claims were reviewed:

Corinne Zahn                         wage/98.5 hrs,                        $1,689.45

Barb Wilhelm                          wage 20.5 hrs                              267.90

Arlin Rohlfs                             wage 54 hrs                                 822.84

Ed Mienke                              wage 159.75 hrs                      2,868.22

Dan Crownover                      meeting                                        138.52

Clark Stubbendeck                meeting                                       115.44

Dale Stoner                            meeting                                       115.44

Janet Oelke                            meeting                                       115.44

Scott Hincker                          meeting                                       115.44

Robert Lock                            contract labor                              112.00

RWD#3                                   water                                         2,274.00

Dish Network                          television                                       98.47

DHHS                                     water test                                       29.00

Papillion Sanitation                Garbage                                   2,186.19

IRS                                          941                                         $1,349.65

NE Dept. of Revenue            sales tax                                     177.39

OPPD                                     water pit                                         33.00

JEO                                        Engineering/St project             1,111.25

Nitty Gritty                              fuel/supplies                               474.61

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NC Utilities                             utilities                                     1,629.19       

Windstream                           phone                                            77.96

Terminix                                 Yearly Contract                           417.00

Syr Do It Best                         bungy straps                                   4.77

One Call Concepts                diggers hotline                                9.14

JEO                                        zoning review                              225.00

B&B Pump                             diesel                                           101.82

NE Dept of Revenue             lottery tax                                     687.00

NE Dept of Revenue             941N                                            461.85

Lovell Excavating                  ditch clean out                             400.00

NC Utilities                             repair main st. light                     591.71

Quill                                        soap, toilet paper                        132.13

Syr Iron Works                       bracket for railing                          19.56

Papillion Sanitation                dumpster cleanup day                139.50

Musco Lighting                      reposition ball lights                 3,000.00

DIY Pest Control                    crab grass spray                           69.95

Mal’s Bar & Grill                     gift certificate                              100.00

Oelke made a motion to pay the claims, seconded by Stubbendeck.  On a roll call vote Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.


          The amount of the Keno check was $901.86

          Water consumed: 736,000; water paid for: 669,000; balance for month:

 -67,000; YTD: -1,507,000. This water reading was prior to Unadilla Days waterslide usage. The second half of the ARPA funds should be deposited soon.  Clerk reported we did receive the grant funds from Otoe County from their ARPA funds totaling $30,000.00.  Hincker made a motion to put $20,000.00 back into the water fund and $10,000.00 back into our Keno fund to replace what was used on the water mains, seconded by Oelke.  On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea.  None voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0. 

         Schoolhouse items: Danny Badget (Wired) gave the Village an estimate of $2,000 to change out 36 of the light fixtures to LED fixtures in the Community Center. Hincker made a motion to change out the fixtures, seconded by Stubbendeck.  On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck, and Crownover voted yea.  None voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.

          Street Project:  Pavers will start the street project when they have completed their current project.


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          Public Comments:  None                        




          The following are current Fire & Rescue personnel:

Tom Block                              Gerry Davis                  Cecilia Dennis

Gordon Hopp                         Aiden Vodicka              Alexandria Seelhoff    

Linda Liesemeyer                  Ed Reed                       Brandon Isaacs

Kyle Johnson                         Joseph Peterson           Tyler Crownover

Betty Vodicka                         Chuck Porter                Troy Whitehead          

Kandi Reed                            Jon Vodicka                  Steve Vodicka

Amy Vodicka                          Joseph Peterson          Ben Golf


          Stubbendeck made a motion to certify Fire & Rescue personnel for insurance purposes.  Hincker seconded. On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 4-0.

          Stubbendeck made a motion to approve the Annual Catering License for Mal’s Bar & Grill, seconded by Oelke.  On a roll call vote Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 4-0.                   Oelke made a motion to purchase a new printer for the Village Office, seconded by Hincker.  The price of the printer will be under $500.00.  On a roll call vote, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea.  None voted nay.  Motion carried 4-0.    

The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed. Account # 075, 104, 114, 170, 189, & 192.

Correspondence:  A donation was received from Rod Wellsandt to the park.  Clerk to start getting credit hours needed for continuing education for the State Auditor’s Office.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.                   



                                                                             Village Clerk-Treasurer



A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for

inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.