September 14, 2022
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Janet Oelke, Scott Hincker and Clark Stubbendeck, Visitors: Thom Machal from Burr & Associates.
Chairman Crownover called the Budget Hearing meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Crownover reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster. Proceedings from the Special Budget Hearing are attached to these minutes.
Chairman Crownover opened the regular meeting at 7:50 p.m. The Public Hearing for the One and Six Year will be at the October meeting due to the public notice to the paper was not received in time.
Hincker made a motion to approve the August 2022 minutes, Stubbendeck seconded, and on a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.
Hincker made a motion to approve the August 2022 treasurer’s report, bank statements, reconciliation, and receipts. Stubbendeck seconded, and on a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.
The following claims were reviewed:
Zahn wage/104.5 hrs/milage $1,800.11
Wilhelm wage/20 hrs 260.52
Rohlfs wage/16 243.80
Meinke wage/169.75 hrs 2,234.22
Child Support 793.00
Rob Lock wage 81.26
Neb Mun Clerks membership 50.00
Crownover wage 138.52
Stubbendeck wage 115.44
Stoner wage 115.44
Oelke wage 115.44
RWD#3 water 2,884.50 Dish Network t.v. 98.47
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Papillion Sanitation garbage 2,2,76.91
IRS employee 941 1,226.40
Dept. of Revenue sales tax 181.42
OPPD water pit electric 33.00
JEO engineer str. Project 2,235.00
N.C. Utilities utilities 1,670.99
Windstream phone 76.73
DHHS water sample 15.00
Syr Do It Best paint, batteries, flashlight 106.32
Dept. of Revenue 941N
Dept. of Revenue waste/recycling fee
Burr & Assoc. budget preparation 955.00
Frontier Cooperation chemicals 492.50
CherryRoad Media budget notice 85.50
Countryside Bank bond pmt 45,996.25
Pavers Inc. asphalt 4th & D to Main Street 27,666.00
Hemje Plmb urenaclean for park urinal 65.00
Countryside Agency work comp, liab, prop insur 14,982.00
Leag of NE Munici membership 743.00
Wired, Inc. street light repair 109.74
Wired, Inc. lights Comm Ctr. To LED’s 2,609.23
Stubbendeck made a motion to pay the claims, seconded by Hincker. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.
The amount of the Keno check was $1,085.60
Water consumed: 958,000; water paid for: 819,000; balance for month:
-139,000; YTD: -2,205,000. The Security Grant from the State that was tabled from last month was discussed. It was decided not to apply this year for the items that were eligible for the grant.
Schoolhouse items: Wired, Inc. completed upgrading the light fixtures in the hallways, restrooms, kitchen, stage, office, and suite 2 to LED’s.
Street Repairs: The street project will be completed by November 6th. The asphalting has been completed.
Public Comments: no public comments
The Budget Hearing was opened at 7:30.
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Proceedings from the Special Budget Hearing are attached to these minutes.
Stoner made a motion to approve paying principle of $40,000 and interest of $5,996.25 on the ’09 & 13’ bonds for a total of $45,996.25 due on 10-01-22; Oelke seconded. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.
Hincker made a motion to accept and sign the Dedication of Right of Way for “C” Street in Cardinal Heights from the Brandt Family to the Village, seconded by Stubbendeck. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 5-0. Brandt, Crownover, and Zahn’s signatures were notarized by Kristi Buller on 9-15 and taken to Attorney Jerry Stilmock to file with the register of deeds.
Stubbendeck made a motion to approve the Change Order for the Street Project for the completion date of August 1, 2022, to November 6, 2022, seconded by Oelke. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.
Oelke made a motion to approve and sign the pay application for the Street Project in the amount of $442,780.41 to Pavers, Inc. seconded by Stoner. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 5-0. Funds will be taken out of the interim loan after the documents are returned to JEO, reviewed and approved by the USDA.
Stubbendeck made a motion to pay for the asphalting of 4th and D Street to Main in the amount of $27,666.00 to Pavers be paid out of the ARPA funds received, seconded by Stoner. Hincker made a motion to put the remaining funds from the ARPA in the amount of $3,330.95 into the sewer fund to help cover the cost of the circulator purchased. Stubbendeck seconded and on a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck, and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 5-0. The ARPA account will be closed at the bank.
Stoner made a motion to approve the payment to Thiele Geotech Inc. for $6,462.00 for the material testing for the Street Project, seconded by Hincker. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 5-0. Those funds will be taken from the interim loan.
Discussion of the rate increase from Countryside Agency was discussed. The premium is $14,982.00 for workers comp, liability, crime, auto, inland marine, property, and professional liability without terrorism. The amount increased due to inflation and of the loss ratio at 134% with average claims paid per year at $11,500.00 per Brandt. Stubbendeck made a motion to pay the premium seconded by Hincker. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.
The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed: Accounts with past due balances Zahn will call to collect.
Correspondence: The Fire & Rescue will host a pancake feed October 30th at the Village Community Center.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.