A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at
Stoner made a motion to approve the December 2008 minutes, Oelke seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the December 2008 treasurer’s report, Wassenberg seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Various aspects of the sidewalk project were discussed. Clerk reported the railing bolts along the bottom had broken and had since been repaired. The fencing company has extended the guarantee on labor to two years and the actual fencing to 10 years. Gilmore is also retaining about $10,000. from the current pay request because of so many problems with the railings.
In regards to Special Assessments for this project, Oelke made a motion to amend the motion made by Schomerus in December 2008 to ”charge $25.00 per foot on the east side of the Bank and $75.00 per foot on the remaining property directly in front of the businesses”. Stoner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Clerk will relay the information to Gilmore immediately.
The amount of the Keno check was $1147.94.
Water consumed was 700,000 gallons as opposed to 628,000 gallons paid for leaving a deficit of 72,000 gallons year-to-date. Part of the deficit can be attributed to the water leak by Randy Eis’.
Installing speed bumps and the DeGolyer traveling baseball team remain tabled at this time.
Installing a street light near the old telephone booth at TR Unadilla Mart was approved on a motion by Stoner, seconded by Wassenberg,
Wassenberg made a motion to block off the main street on February 7 for the Ground hog Parade. Schomerus seconded, and motion carried 5-0.
Snow removal policy was discussed. Clerk shared information from the League of Nebraska Municipalities. Tonya Johnson appeared to complain about the lack of ice removal in front of the Village Office.
Schomerus made a motion to pass the Resolution of Organization (changing the Chairman signature on all village accounts from Russell E. Ziemann to Danny E. Crownover). Oelke seconded and motion carried 5-0. A copy of this resolution is attached to these minutes. (The original is kept at Countryside Bank).
The following claims for January were reviewed for payment:
Check # Payee Description Amount
3864 Nemaha Valley Refuse trash 2150.60
3865 Barb Wilhelm wages/115 hours 1239.05
3866 Keith Block wages/56 hours 361.63
3867 Dan Crownover wages 69.26
3868 Dale Stoner wages 46.17
3869 Arliss Wassenberg wages 46.17
3870 Janet Oelke wages 46.17
3871 Lynn Schomerus wages 46.17
AWD IRS 941 tax 673.53
3872 NC Utilities village accounts 966.49
3873 Windstream office phone 58.13
AWD OPPD water 14.58
3874 RWD#3 water purchased 1755.00
3875 Jeff Vogt sewer 207.12
3877 Countryside Insurance 5-way 5443.00
3878 Westover salted sand 959.31
3879 NE PHE Lab water test 16.00
3880 JP Cooke dog tags 48.90
3881 Capitol City Electric install street light 1650.00
3882 Otoe Co Clerk election expenses 50.00
3883 Kastens Electric sewer/water 108.78
3884 NeRWA dues 125.00
3885 Danko Emergency Equip fire ext. 120.45
3886 Gilmore & Assoc. prof service 280.00
3887 Heartland Class adv 17.93
3888 Stutheit small snow blower 919.00
3889 A Wassenberg snow removal 47.50
3890 Voided ----------
3891 NE Dept of Revenue keno tax 820.73
Total 19,041.25
Oelke made a motion to pay January claims, Stoner seconded, motion carried 5-0. Stoner made a motion to pay warrant #106 in the amount of $35,504.25, Wassenberg seconded, motion carried 5-0. Clerk noted that Grant CD#3904 will mature on
Delinquent water & sewer patrons were reviewed. Shut-offs will be sent to: Helen Baker, Matt Daharsh, Ashley Field, Ron Isaacs, and Jeanie Steinkuhler.
Correspondence included discussion on a dedication of
The meeting adjourned at
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.