June 10, 2009
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 7:30 p.m. at the Village Office. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: The Bar, Post Office, and Village Office window, and by publishing in the Syracuse Journal-Democrat on June 4, 2009; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Arliss Wassenberg, Janet Oelke, and Lynn Schomerus. Visitors: none. Absent: Dale Stoner
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act poster; and that the meeting was being recorded.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the May 2009 minutes; Wassenberg seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Oelke made a motion to accept the April 2009 treasurer's report; Wassenberg seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Clerk reported visiting with John Berry of Gilmore & Associates. As a result the information for bonding was received. Schomerus made a motion to pass the Resolution designating July 20, 2009, as the date for the sitting as the Board of Equalization and authority to publish notice of said meeting for 5 consecutive weeks. Oelke seconded the motion; all Trustees voted aye; absent and not voting: Dale Stoner. An original copy of said resolution is attached to these minutes.
The amount of the Keno check was 1897.27 (May) and 1709.41 (June).
Water consumed for May was 523,000; water paid for 502,000; -21,000 for month; +243,000 YTD. Water consumed for June 854,000; water paid for 648,000; -206,000 for month; +37,000 YTD.
Tabled item: hiring deputy clerk. Clerk will get application forms and put together a job description.
There were no public comments.
Clerk reported a building permit had been issued to Randy Juilfs for a new shed.
Clerk reported Janet Trustee Oelke and herself had attended the FEMA workshop. The worksheets received at the workshop need to be mailed by July 1st.
Copies of the newly passed "Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act" were given to each member. Clerk reported she had also placed a copy of the Act on the website.
Crownover reported that Norm Duncan would like to replace his garage that blew down with a new 2-stall building. He had assessed the property and found the building to be over the regulation by 2 feet. Clerk will place item on the Planning Commission agenda and invite a representative from the Christian Church to the meeting.
Claims for May and June 2009 were reviewed:
3959 Nemaha Valley Refuse trash pickup 2168.50
3960 Barb Wilhelm 116 hours 1251.56
3961 Keith Block 46.5 hours 266.36
3962 Dan Crownover wages 69.26
3963 Dale Stoner wages 46.17
3964 Arliss Wassenberg wages 46.17
3965 Janet Oelke wages 46.17
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3966 Lynn Schomerus wages 46.17
AWD IRS 941 tax 659.82
3967 NC Utilities village accounts 918.84
3968 Windstream office phone 51.77
AWD OPPD water 14.58
3969 RWD#3 water purchased 1374.45
AWD NE Dept of Revenue sales tax 314.08
3970 Outdoor Recreation benches/trash cans 7681.00
3971 Payless Office office supplies 101.77
3972 Municipal Supply water/sewer 1325.44
3973 All Roads Barricades street signs 109.89
3974 Westover rock 347.53
3975 Tru Green spray park 130.00
3976 Kastens Electric water/sewer 223.55
3977 Kimbell Construction bench install 50.00
3978 NE PHE Lab water test 16.00
3979 Heartland Class advertise 16.95
3980 T Rodaway park 55.00
3981 D Crownover personal service 145.00
3982 Maguire Iron water tower 3400.00
3983 Allied Insurance treasurer bond 100.00
3984 TR Unadilla Mart street/park 23.50
3985 Nemaha Valley Refuse trash pickup 2168.50
3986 Barb Wilhelm 60 hours 550.80
3987 Keith Block 91.5 hours 717.67
3988 Dan Crownover wages 69.26
3989 Dale Stoner wages 46.17
3990 Arliss Wassenberg wages 46.17
3991 Janet Oelke wages 46.17
3992 Lynn Schomerus wages 46.17
AWD IRS 941 tax 618.50
3993 N.C. Utilities village accounts 877.33
3994 Windstream office phone 49.75
AWD OPPD water 14.58
3995 RWD#3 water purchased 2086.10
AWD NE Dept of Revenue sales tax 369.53
3996 M Kimbell 59.5 park/street 595.00
3997 D Baker 18 water 180.00
3998 Schrock Innovations tower purchase 1039.96
3999 D Crownover streets 105.00
4000 Dan's Tire sewer 13.50
4001 Added Touch flowers/Wilhelm 43.50
4002 TruGreen park #2 130.00
4003 NE PHE Lab water test 16.00
4004 Syr Lumber park 31.71
4005 Gr Pl 1-call hot lines 6.06
4006 Heartland Class advertise 17.44
4007 TR Unadilla Mart park/street 106.08
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4008 Beatrice Concrete water 289.10
Wassenberg made a motion to pay claims, Schomerus seconded, all Trustees voted aye, absent and not voting: Stoner.
The list of delinquent water & sewer patrons was unavailable.
Correspondence included a $33,000. quote for the picnic table shelter. Oelke made a motion to allow the Community Foundation to proceed with this project; Wassenberg seconded, and motion carried. A memorial for Ardie Hopp was discussed as was the current information from Gilmore & Assoc. on assessments.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Barbara J. Wilhelm, Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.