Unadilla Billie & friends at her official prediction: 6 more weeks of winter!
Well, another Groundhog Day celebration is in the books! It started with Unadilla Billie seeing her shadow, resulting in 6 more weeks of winter. (As I write this it is 59 degrees (Sunday), but we know how fast the weather can change!) Several people enjoyed breakfast after the prediction.
The "big" celebration began Saturday morning with a craft fair in the gym. A HUGE thank you to Ashley Anthony for all her work getting it organized and keeping it that way!
At 10:30, Jeff Barnes gave another wonderful presentation of past Nebraska history titled "The Mad Queen of the Prairies". The head count ranges between 100 - 125. The audience joined in and all present learned a lot. He incorporated a lot of Otoe County history into this program. We look forward to the next time Jeff!
The Library had lots of stuff to sell: books, cupcakes, and outdoor quilts. They also had a lot of visitors and compliments! And the Resource Room, History Room, and Veterans Room was well visited.We heard good things about all these "stops". Naomi Stahl provided lunch out of the kitchen.
You could get a tasty meal at the Methodist Church or sandwiches at the Duncan Building. Nina Jean Rohlfs provided music there and later on "The Soundhogs" provided more! Band members: Randy Baker, Pat Glen, and John Moss. They rock!
The sun was out by the time the parade started, but so was the wind. It was still a super nice day!
Parade Grand Marshall, Sue Saathoff, dedicated volunteer for many years at the Unadilla Community Library
Not sure how many entries there were, but some new ones were a young lady, Abigail Fahleson, who lost at Fantasy Football, and she either had to walk in the parade or join the Army - this came from her dad!
BMX bike racers and jumpers
And a giant groundhog or Sasquatsch...we're not sure!
The Flower Mound Ranch had two entries, both had dogs. Thanks to Allen West, Rhett DeLay, Sam Schmidt, Jake Horstman, and Aubrey Jongebloed.
And it wouldn't be a parade without all the vintage cars!
1956 Ford Crown Victoria owned by Glen & April Isaacs. Riders: "Pezix' Isaacs & "Spanky" Wardyn. (Glen & April started the Groundhog Day celebration at Pezix's Pub in 1985.)
1931 Deluxe Model A Tudor, named "Ole Rudy", owned by Gayle & Nancy Hanshaw of the Cornhusker Model A Ford Club
All photos taken or contributed will be on the 2023 Groundhog page under the "Events" tab above. Photos shown in this newsletter were taken by Bob Wilhelm.
The parade was just under an hour long. Then it was time to crown the King and Queen. Thanks again to Senator Pete Ricketts for participating in this ceremony. He crowned Turner Moore as King and Shelby Wallen as Queen. (Turner is 3rd generation Groundhog Royalty!) The contest raised $10,500. for local projects and organizations.
John Daake, Eagle, won the Nitty Gritty certificate, Ron Fechner, Fremont, the MK Meats certificate, Jake Skinner, Eagle, the Mal's certificate, and Barrett Brandt won the cash prize. $4020 was raised for the Unadilla Area Fund. Congratulations to all of you. The results of the soup and Spam contests will be posted in a later newsletter.
Thanks so much to Ed Meinke and the maintence team, Perry Stoner and all the parade helpers, and anyone else who've I missed. It really "takes a Village" to pull this off!!! We couldn't do it without you. All in all, it was a great day! Hope to see you next year!
7:30 p.m. in the Community Library
2-8 Nyle Bartling
2-10 Pat Lechner, Erin Steinhoff
2-14 Cooper Oelke, Jackie Katchaturian
Friday, 2-9-1923, The Otoe Union:
Claims at the town board meeting: Kenneth Russell, reading meters, $8.00, Thomas Lucas, killing dog, $1.00, electric service, $4.52, and Guy Dean, marshall, $7.00. The Palace Theater in Syracuse was showing "The Storm:" and "The Third Alarm". "Pictures of this class seldom reach a small town like Syracuse. Show your appreciation."
For All Your Sewing Needs: Specializing in Alterations and Custom Needs
Susan Royal
Syracuse Senior Center
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Lost in the first round of the Sweet 16
8-27 NE vs Northwestern @Dublin, Ireland LOST 28 - 31
9-3 NE vs North Dakota WON 38 - 17
9-10 NE vs Georgia Southern LOST 42-45
9-17 NE vs Oklahoma LOST 14-49
10-1 NE vs Indiana WON 35-21
10-7 NE at Rutgers WON 14-13
10-15 NE at Purdue LOST 37-43
10-29 NE vs Illinois LOST 9 - 26
11-5 NE vs Minnesota LOST 13 - 20
11-12 NE at Michigan LOST 3 - 34
11-19 NE vs Wisconsin LOST 14 - 15
11-23 NE at Iowa WON 24 - 17