Welcome April 495




Food Bank of Lincoln 250

The Food Bank will be at the Park this Friday, April 7, from 2 - 3 p.m. Spread the word.


The Unadilla ballfield is ready for players! There's been a lot of activity already. We are SO ready for summer!




Meals on Wheels 450



Saturday night was Prom Night at SHS. Such a great looking bunch of kids! School will be out before you know it.



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We don't know if they were blackbirds or starlings, but there were hundreds of them behind the homes of Gail Neumeister and Jason Schomerus. Wonder what they found so appetizing?




Rest in peace

Our condolences to the family of Cindy Stanley. She fought such a courageous and long battle with cancer. She was a delightful woman to talk to and always was concerned and looking for ways to help other folks. She will be so missed. Cindy will be laid to rest in the Unadilla Cemetery beside her husband Bob.



Musical notes 250


                                                                               by Renowned Cub Reporter Bob Wilhelm

…It’s one, two, three strikes you’re out, at the old ball game….


John Stilwell 450

Last summer the extended Stilwell family took a trip to St. Louis. John Stilwell has been a lifelong St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan. They saw two games at the St. Louis Cardinals Busch Stadium and visited the nearby Cardinals Museum where John, on the left in the above photo, had the opportunity to have his photo taken in an at bat pose (‘Flat John at Bat’ in photo on the right) with a bat that was used by one of his hero’s, Stan Musial. They all had a memorable time and at their family Christmas gathering John was told there was someone at the door. When he went to see who it was, he found ‘Flat John at Bat’ standing there. His granddaughter had taken his at bat picture and unbeknownst to John had a life size ‘Flat John at Bat’ made into a cardboard cutout. The above photo was taken when ‘Flat John at Bat’ was on display at the Paisley Bottom Coffee Shop. John plays down the rumor that he was Stan’s grade school basketball coach.



Yoga Poster for April 450



 Go to OutdoorNebraska.org for Hunting and Trapping seasons for Big and Small game, Furbearer, and Waterfowl. They also have information on how to get a fishing license. 



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Near the Unadilla Cemetery



We've been having problems at the cemetery with groundhogs, badgers, we're not sure, but something is digging big holes. If you are visiting the cemetery, please be on the lookout. Traps are being placed.



 These were shared by Bob Brandt. They were found in the old records at the bank.

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 Happy Birthday car 250

4-6   Cindy Bassinger, Jennifer Bassinger

4-7   Larry Larson

4-9   Michele Wilhelm

4-10   Addison Poppas



 Man reading newspaper 250

Friday, 4-6-1923, The Otoe Union:

Prof. Edling, Supt. of Unadilla School, accepted a job at Marquette, NE. "Pink" Pickett was working for Henry Hahn, Jr. Eighth grade exams were being given at Unadilla, to local eighth graders and those from rural schools. Elmer Graham and Joy Wallen were interviewing for jobs in Omaha.




Forge Fitness 400

Kristen & Brian Walters




Sewing machine


For All Your Sewing Needs: Specializing in Alterations and Custom Needs

Susan Royal


fabric pile




Syracuse Senior Center


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Sip Shop 450 



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Oles 450




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Or leave me a message at: 402-828-5705

Have a GREAT week!


"May the work I have done speak for me."