Are you planting a tree for Arbor Day? It is more important now than ever. We have several memorial trees planted around town - make sure and take a look at them.
Redbud trees blooming along the south side of the Unadilla Cemetery. If you're out at the cemetery, please notice there are traps set out to catch the varmits digging all the holes. Bob Brandt says the cool weather is prolonging the blooms.
The last of the photos from Groundhog Day have been added! Check them out under the Events tab above. Send me any corrections please!
May is National Bike month. Get yours out and dust it off!
The ballfield here is starting to get busy. Can't be too careful at that intersection by the Park. Please note the Men's Fastpitch Team is playing on Friday nights.
Creepy! Turkey vultures on the water tower.
Photo: Bob Wilhelm
Please share your news with us. With the school no longer being open, sometimes it's hard to get to know all the new families.
These baby foxes were spotted in Unadilla!
Photo: Bob Wilhelm
4-27 Michael & Becky West
4-29 Justin McWilliams, Keith Kimbell, Jimmie Cox
5-1 Jaimie & Zachary Woods
Friday, 4-27-1923, The Otoe Union:
"Ray Fentiman was rendered unconscious by lightning." The Women's Club gave the play "Clubbing a Husband" and raised $57.50; half the proceeds went to the high school. Beth Gorsage was taking nurses training at Green Gables, near Lincoln. Gwendolyn Parker and Allen Roberts were married at Hopewell.
Kristen & Brian Walters
For All Your Sewing Needs: Specializing in Alterations and Custom Needs
Susan Royal
Syracuse Senior Center
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4-22 Spring Game
8-31 AT Minnesota
9-9 AT Colorado
9-16 VS Northern Illinois
9-23 VS Louisiana Tech
9-30 VS Michigan
10-7 AT Illinois
10-21 VS Northwestern
10-28 VS Purdue
11-4 AT Michigan State
11-11 VS Maryland
11-18 AT Wisconsin
11-24 VS Iowa