For all you Star Wars fans!
Get well wishes to all those who are sick, have been sick, in the hospital, or just returning home from the hospital. Can you believe Covid is making the rounds again?
Don't forget the Food Bank will be near the Park this Friday afternoon from 2 - 3 p.m.
We've learned of hummingbird sightings, so get those feeders out!
Must have been too crowded at the sewer pond, these two geese were across the road.
Fastpitch ballgames are starting out on Friday nights. These are local boys so come on out and show your support!
HHHeeerrreee'sss Johnny!!!
(thanks for sharing!)
(Johnny Stilwell sits up high in the saddle on Champ circa 1940. He lived between Unadilla and Palmyra, Neb.)
We have another new house taking shape across the highway! We're glad we continue to grow.
We're coming right up on graduation and the end of the school year...where did the time go?
Bob and I, my sister, Mary Hanke, and my brother, Larry Boardman, attended the America 250! Marker Dedication Service at Antelope Park on Sunday afternoon. It took turns being chilly and windy, then hot, but so glad we went. It is located near 40th and South Street, Lincoln, and was placed next to the marker dedicated to Mary M.A.Stevens by the Deborah Avery DAR Chapter of Lincoln. The Lincoln Sons of the American Revolution were also present and participated. Another nice surprise was the National Anthem and "God Bless American" sung by Olivia Vanderford, daughter of John and Taryn Vanderford. She did an amazing job, considering the weather. The huge cookies given out at the end were also most appreciated!
5-4 Jaimie Woods, Elizabeth Hinrichsen
5-5 Dennis & Pam Hauschel
5-6 Troy Whitehead, Justin & Nikki McWilliams, Delbert Eickhoff
5-8 Karen Isaacs
5-9 Annette Emerson
Friday, 5-4-1923, The Otoe Union:
A farewell reception was given for Professor and Mrs. A.W. Edling. The professor had taken a job in Marquette, NE. Farmers were starting to plant corn. Eighth grade exams were held in Unadilla. W.D. Callaway had electric lights installed in the Beatrice Creamery. Chautauqua dates for Unadilla were August 21 - 25.
Kristen & Brian Walters
For All Your Sewing Needs: Specializing in Alterations and Custom Needs
Susan Royal
Syracuse Senior Center
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4-22 Spring Game
8-31 AT Minnesota
9-9 AT Colorado
9-16 VS Northern Illinois
9-23 VS Louisiana Tech
9-30 VS Michigan
10-7 AT Illinois
10-21 VS Northwestern
10-28 VS Purdue
11-4 AT Michigan State
11-11 VS Maryland
11-18 AT Wisconsin
11-24 VS Iowa