Don't forget Dad this coming Sunday!
Juneteenth (this coming Monday) is a federal holiday, and many businesses will be closed.
Today, June 14, is Flag Day. Is yours flying?
We had right at 1" of rain Saturday evening at the Western Wilhelm Outpost. Could of used more, but thankful for what we got! Sunday was a nice cool day and most enjoyable.
Remember Unadilla Day & City Wide Garage Sales is June 24th. The Fire & Rescue will be serving lunch at noon.
We spotted this little guy on the bridge west of Unadilla. He looks injured and seemed to be a little confused. We lost him in the tall grass on the bridge approach.
Just a reminder: The Fire Dept. is issuing burn permits on Wednesdays, at the Fire Hall, from 7 - 7:30 p.m.
Sue Saathoff reports: "The library sponsored, “Pour” Painting class was held on Saturday and was such fun! A special thanks to instructor Sharon Demaree – – she put in a lot of preparation time and made the day great for all participants."
6-14 Sam Pester, Angie Whitehead Tams
6-15 Mark & Tammy Bayliss
6-16 Vince & Jessica Hinrichsen, Trigg Snyder
6-20 Bob Wilhelm, Riley Walters
Friday, 6-15-1923, The Otoe Union:
Early wheat was being hit hard by the Hessian fly. The Nebraska Seed Co. of Omaha, contracted for 2000 acres of blue grass in this part of the county. Dr. Williams closed the drug store, packed his goods, and moved to Bethany (Lincoln). Beth Gorsage was visiting her parents over her school break.
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4-22 Spring Game
8-31 AT Minnesota
9-9 AT Colorado
9-16 VS Northern Illinois
9-23 VS Louisiana Tech
9-30 VS Michigan
10-7 AT Illinois
10-21 VS Northwestern
10-28 VS Purdue
11-4 AT Michigan State
11-11 VS Maryland
11-18 AT Wisconsin
11-24 VS Iowa