Our server was down last week (first time in almost 15 years) but we're back up and running now! Thanks for your patience.
7:30 p.m. in the Library
The Food Bank distributed food to 90+ folks last Friday. Thanks so much to Bob Wilhelm, Dale Henke, Mary Wallen, Galen Crawford, and Andrew Kimbell for helping, and to Linda Liesemeyer and Janet Oelke for delivering to those who were unable to come down to the Park. Heroes come in all different kinds of packages! Couldn't do it without them.
So sad to report the passing of Rose Marie Brandt. A truly great lady, there wasn't anyone she couldn't have a sincere conversation with. Rose Marie was about the first one to greet our family when we moved to Unadilla and invited us to come to the Christian Church. Her funeral was held in the Commmunity Center gym and a large crowd attended. Our condolences to the many family members, she will truly be missed.
Yay, Nebraska finally has a conference win! I know, I know, it's early yet, but yay!!!
Have you noticed they've lowered the speed limit to 55 MPH going past the Palmyra exits off Hwy #2? We noticed on our trip to Lincoln, and also noticed there were several vehicles that never even tapped the brakes to slow down, some going well over 70 MPH. It has been suggested that lowered speed limit be used at Unadilla also.
The Sheena & Trevor Snyder family are ready for Halloween! (love the puppy!)
Last Saturday, my sister Mary, daughter Jenn, and I made quilt blocks for the Quilts of Valor organization. Had never sewn stars before, but finally got the hang of it! Thanks to Bob Wilhelm and Michele Wilhelm for feeding us lunch and supper, and to Maddie Hillman and Scott Hitzemann for the moral support!
And speaking of quilts, be sure to check out the new display at the Unadilla Community Library. They were made by Jan Maloy. Isn't the witch adorable?
Unadilla's new 2024 rescue ambulance is here and in service.
Continued get well wishes to all those under the weather.
10-6 Scott & Keri Hincker
10-7 Dallas & Cheryl Royal, Jennifer Foley
10-8 Nick Wilhelm
10-9 Donna Speth, Steve Kroese, Sharon & Jon Van Housen
10-11 Gera Stilwell, Scott Remington, Dennis Baker
10-12 Leland & Paula Carmichael
10-13 Jack Stilwell, Todd Crownover
10-14 Mary Margaret Clark, Dean & Jodie Valish
10-15 Clayton Lewis, Tom Hruby
10-16 Lori Vodicka
10-17 Trevor & Sheena Snyder, Roman Conradi
Friday, 10-5-1923, The Otoe Union:
Flora Stutt, former resident, had taken a teaching job at Lauzon, South Dakota (26 miles west of Custer, South Dakota), and had only good things to say about the town. Stoner & Watts made a number of improvements to their store, including a cooling system for fresh meat.
Friday, 10-12-1923, The Otoe Union:
The Village Board paid $378.00 in bills for September; report given by E.S. Carper, Unadilla Village Clerk. "John Pickett was initiated into the mysteries of the Wood Craft Tuesday night at the Fraternal Hall." It was reported that a full grown tiger was running at large near Bennet.
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Cornhusker Country Music Theater in Louisville
Come on over! Sit back or take a spin on our dance floor, enjoying the music every other Saturday evening!
This is a family-friendly venue, so bring the kids, too!
211 Main Street
Louisville, NE
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Bring your instrument, your voice or just come and enjoy the fun!
Everyone is welcome!
2nd Sunday each month!
Saturday, Oct 28
Bill Chrastil performing his Branson show
* * * * *
Email us for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call Larry, 1-402-949-0668.
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