Food Bank at the Park
Friday, Sept. 6, 2 - 3 p.m.
Peggy Leefers will be hosting a Quilt display of over 30 of her quilts, all sizes, and an informational program at the Duncan Building, Thursday evening, Sept 12. Sounds like fun!
As many of you know, Fred Wallen grew up in the house we live in. Recently he shared this with us in regards to Rose Kennedy: "Mrs. Kennedy was visiting in Nebraska, and someone had the idea she should be shown as visiting a farm - so she was scheduled to visit us one afternoon. She arrived - only two cars - one with her, probably an assistant of some kind, and her driver, and the other with whomever in the Party was showing her around. There was no press and no security whatsover - think about that in today's environment! (Mrs. Kennedy) spent a little time "inspecting" our farm equipment - doing a good job I thought, of pretending to be interested. It was very hot, we went into the house, sat on the couch in the living room, rested a bit, and we all had some iced tea that my mother had prepared. I was sitting next to her when she looked at my mother and said, "what a most comfortable home you have." My mother just beamed!!
Even as a teenager, I thought what a most gracious thing to say. Here was someone who came from unimaginable wealth - to us at least - and yet could find the right words to compliment a Nebraska farm wife without being patronizing. I thought to myself "that is what real class looks and acts like." Fred tells us this is recorded in the Kennedy Library and NO ONE even thought to take a photo!
Cub reporter Bob has found newspaper articles referring to this visit and Mrs. Kennedy being at Frank Sorrell's house in Syracuse (all articles are dated in April, 1960). Linda Staack Parde relates her and her friends trying to look through the window of Frank's house to see her! (On another note: we have now named this room, currently used as a computer room/library, as the "Kennedy Room"!!!)
Another person from the SHS Class of 1967 has passed away. Gary B. Royal left us on 8-26. Farewell old friend.
This has been the second summer of "Smoke from Canada". We only live a mile from town, but in looking towards it, it's always hazy. It's terrible for the folks with allergies!
At our house, we love hot rods and old or unusual cars. We found this one just up from Main Street in Unadilla:
Look close at the cammoflage...paw prints, bird, water buffalo???
9-4 Harry & Chelsea Meginnis
9-6 Emma Porter, Roger & Carolyn Kastens
9-7 Christie Brehm, Lori Boone, Cheryl Hopp Bohling
9-8 Tom Lewis, David Maloy
9-9 Ron Vodicka
Friday, 9-5-192, The Otoe Union:
Cretoria and Lincoln Wiles left for Schuyler, where they had teaching jobs. Julia Wilkins was the teacher at Dist. #69. Teachers at Unadilla: H.E. Beaty, Supt., Mrs. H.E. Beaty, Asst. Supt., Emma Stilwell, Eleanor Crownover, and Lizzie Doyle, Assistants. Paul Hair's purebred bulldog took 1st place at the State Fair. George Brandt, rural mail carrier, "covered his route of 24 miles in an hour and nineteen minutes, serving 89 patrons." He was challenging other carriers to beat his record.
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This is the way country music started out, with acoustic instruments, before electricity. People sat out on the lawn, on the porch, or in a friend’s house and played their instruments together.
Enjoy the originality of music which is still present in many circles of friends.
211 Main Street
Louisville, NE
Come on over and take a spin on our dance floor!
This is a family-friendly venue, so bring the kids, too!
Relax in nice air-conditoned comfort and take advantage of our concession stand, selling popcorn, Candy bars, soft drinks and bottled water.
7:30~10 PM
September 14 ~Jacob Austin Band
* * *
2nd Sunday each month
1-4 pm
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Last Sunday each month
1-4 pm
ALL jam sessions, acoustic and electric, are FREE & open to the public!
* * *
Bring your instruments, bring your voices or just sit in and listen!
Let's get together and have a good time!Email for more information:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Larry, 1-402-949-0668.

Thursday, September 5, 2024
City Building
101 W Eldora Ave
Weeping Water, NE 68463
Noon - 6 pm

Aug. 31: UTEP 40 - 7
Sept. 7: Colorado
Sept. 14: Northern Iowa
Sept. 21: Illinois
Sept. 28: at Purdue
Oct. 5: Rutgers
Oct. 19: at Indiana
Oct. 26: at Ohio State
Nov. 2: UCLA
Nov. 16: at USC
Nov. 23: Wisconsin
Nov. 29: at Iowa