

7-2   Village Office closed

7-7   Community Foundation meeting, Village Office, 10 a.m.

7-8   Village Board meeting, 7:30 p.m.



Thank you to Rich & Reta McCormick for the "sun face". It's a nice addition to my collection!


Congratulations to first-time grandparents, Harv & Maureen Vogt. Harvey William Cox greeted the world on June 24th; both he and Mom are doing fine. Thanks for the photo, April, he's a cutie!



Paul & Inez Minderman were in town Saturday night and had a good visit while eating. Paul grew up south of town and is an esteemed member of the SHS Class of 1967. They were down from their home at Creighton for a Husker Cousins Reunion in Omaha on Sunday.


Please note the Community Foundation meeting has been changed from 7-14 to  7-7.


The descendants of Walter & Effie Wilhelm held a reunion Sunday at the Elmwood Senior Center. It was hosted by Gary & Judy Wilhelm. Those attending from the John Wilhelm branch were: Gary & Judy Wilhelm, Mike Wilhelm family, Curt Wilhelm, Danny Spiering family, Lisa Spiering & friend, and Lornie Spiering. Wilson Wilhelm branch: Wilson & Carol Wilhelm, Heather Nasi, and Tom & Barb Wilhelm. Vernon Wilhelm branch: Vern & Ruth Wilhelm, Bob & Barb Wilhelm, Dave & Nola Johnson, Marcus, Brianne, & Charlie Walter Wilhelm. Attendees came from Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Iowa. Those from Nebraska came from Omaha, Lincoln, Elmwood, Eagle, Syracuse, and Unadilla. Wilson is the 7th of the eight children, and Vern is the 8th child. They are the only two children still living.


See the ad in our classifieds page for your copy of the Unadilla Residents Data Base.


The Unadilla Christian Church is raffling off a quilt that the ladies of the chuch embroidered. It's measurements are 133" X 136". Tickets can be purchased from any church member.




The Old Avoca Schoolhouse will be hosting a Twin Fiddling Workshop on Saturday, August 1, for fiddlers (or violinists or violists) who want to learn to play nicely together with their fellow-fiddlers (or violinists or violists). Persons of any age or experience level are encouraged to enroll. Championship fiddler and book author, Deborah Greenblatt will share some tunes, hints about arranging two fiddles, playing back-up, etc. The Workshop takes place   1-3 p.m. Pre-registration is required, and enrollment is limited. The fee is $10.00 per fiddler. For more information, call 402.275.3221, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Cass County Fair will be held August 4 thru August 9. Go to www.casscountyfair.org and click on the days found on the left side to see what the schedule is each day.



7-4   Carlos Velzco

7-7   Annette Block

7-8   Peggy Luff



Friday, 7-2-1909, The Otoe Union: The editor stated, "The farmers are too busy in their fields to come to town." James West shelled 2500 bushels of corn for Amy Pell. Percy Lapp & Hazel Reif announced their engagement. Ray Duncan's pony was killed by the freight train. At the annual school meeting, 10th grade was voted in; William Hall was re-elected treasurer; G.H. DeBolt, Union, was retained as principal; Eolia Francis, Dunbar, would be in the intermediate room; and Lizzie Doyle, Unadilla, would have the primary room.


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