12-22 Library closed
12-22 Unadilla School Holiday Program 2:20 p.m.
12-23 THRU 1-1 No School!
12-24 & 12-25 Village Office closed
The Annual Ebert Christmas dinner was held Sunday,
December 6, at the Duncan Building. Lois Ebert and family
were hosts to 58 family members from Lincoln,
Roca, Waverly, Ashland, Talmage, and Unadilla. Members
are descendants of Max & Maude Ebert and their
children: Pauline Goad, Viola Gartner, Charles Ebert, Ruby
Grundman, and Maxine Stilwell. A good time was
had by all!
Congratulations to Andrew Kimbell and James Conradi,
who will be graduating from UNO this Friday.
Happy belated birthday to Bill Kea, who celebrated
on 12-12
Michele, Maisie, and Madison Hillman had just a touch of cabin
fever so they went to the Air & Space Museum Saturday.
They saw "lot of things that could fly", Santa Clause, and lots
of characters from "Star Wars".
Girls and Darth Vader
Maisie & Santa
Madison & Santa
Bob & Barb Wilhelm went to Wellman, Iowa, over the weekend
to visit the Scott Hitzemann family. They were amazed at
field after field of corn standing in 1-3 feet of snow; usually
not a combine in sight. The snowfall around Des Moines was
very heavy, with many cars and semis in the median and
along the sides of the road.
How much snow did you have? We had 11 inches in protected
areas. For the first time in 8 years, the Village Board
meeting was cancelled due to the weather.
Snow and drifts
More snow!
The Village Board would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays;
be safe on your journeys!
Please, share your news with me when you get back!
Thank you to these additional donors to the
All-Fund Drive: May Lamb, Tyler Isaacs Memorial,
Mike & Beckie Hickman, Employees & Directors of
Countryside Bank, and Gerry & Cherrie Davis. We live
in a truly amazing community!
Couldn't resist this one!
12-17 Nick Jensen
12-18 Irma Taylor, Eloise Stubbendeck, Michelle Donovan
12-19 Don Lewis
12-21 Chad & Jonna Pester (Happy 13th!)
Friday, 12-17-1909, The Otoe Union:
John Hesson wanted to sell his ten-horse Russell engine. A
daughter was born to Henry Horstmans'. A new law would go into
effect 1-1-1910 that prohibited writing checks for under $1.00.
Mrs. George Russell, who had a bakery in her home,
reported she had baked 8000 loaves of bread
"to date in 1909".
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(just click on the Editor's name)
At the Lofte Community Theatre in Manley, acting up in class is not
only accepted, but strongly encouraged. Back by popular demand,
the Lofte is gathering its most talented artists in a classroom
environment to teach and prepare young actors and
actresses. Four separate classroom sessions will cover
Acting Basics, Intro to Dance, Vocal Audition, & Stage Combat.
This one-day theater workshop will take place on Saturday,
January 23 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Enrollment is open to
young people ages 10-18 at any level of experience. Space
for this event is limited and slots will be filled on a first
come, first served basis. Participants should plan on arriving
15 minutes early for check in.
Tuition for the workshop is $50 per student and includes a
box lunch. Each student will also receive a graduation gift.
Questions may be directed to Anne Pope at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To obtain a registration sheet, please call the Lofte box office at
402.234.2553 or download it at
Lofte students learn a few basic dance moves from Megan Kovar
of Lincoln during last year's Acting Up in Class.
A year's worth of activities celebrating
A Lantern in Her Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich
as the One Book One Nebraska selection for 2009 will conclude
with the annual "Journey Into Christmas" Holiday Open House
at the Aldrich House. Located at 204 East F Street, Elmwood, NE,
the event runs every Saturday and Sunday in December
from 2-5 p.m.
Eleven rooms in the author's historic home have been dressed
for the holidays. Rooms are decorated by local clubs and families,
each with its own tree and unique theme. Visitors are invited
to enjoy complimentary cookies and hot cider after
their tour.
Admission is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children
ages 6-12. Visit for
more information.
They're always the right size and guarantee a memorable evening!
One general admission ticket is $16. It can be redeemed for any one
of our regular season plays. Or, save 33% by purchasing a
season pass. For $60 you can let your loved ones enjoy
each of our five season plays. 2010 Shows:
Heaven Can Wait
Guys & Dolls
Jake's Women
Unnecessary Farce
Christmas at Leon's
Purchase you gift certificates today by calling our box office
at 234-2553. Box office hours 9 a.m.-1 p.m.,
Monday - Friday
If requested, we can arrange to mail the gift certificate
directly to the recipient!
!st Place: $100.00
2nd Place: $50.00
3rd Place: $25.00
This event inspires fiddlers to compose their own tunes, and
supports the cause of string education througout the
great state of Nebraska. The winners will be announced
on May 29, 2010, during the Monumental Fiddling Championship
held at the Homestead National Monument in Beatrice,
Nebraska. The winning compositions will be performed at the
Championship, and printed in Stringing Along, the journal
of the Nebraska Chapter of the American String Teachers
Association. Direct your questions and get rules and
guidelines from:
Deborah Greenblatt
The Old Schoolhouse
PO Box 671
Avoca NE 68307-0671
or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Send us your news, photos, and ideas
at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have a GREAT week!