
12-31 AND 1-1   Village Office Closed

1-4   Public Forum @6:00 p.m. Syracuse Elementary Auditorium

1-5   Library open 5-6:30 p.m.




HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wow! for the second time in two weeks we've had a foot of snow.

And for the first time ever, one of our daughters could not make it

home for the holidays. 2009 will be remembered for many reasons,

right now the weather is at the top of the list.


Bob Wilhelm's west yard - the snow is just as high on

the other side of the fence


Bob Wilhelm - snow piles


This is the most snow we've had since I became the Village Clerk

(either snow) and for the most part the residents are to be

applauded for their patience. However, after a single pass is made

on every street, this is the order of snow removal: the Main Street

and exits to the highway come first. Next the school bus route, if

school is in session. Then the north/south streets; east/west streets;

streets across the highway; and finally, alleys where accessible.

If you park your car in the alley, please remember they are the

last to be cleaned. Sorry, we do NOT clean out driveways.

People, we had a lot of warning on both occasions. Doesn't

living in Nebraska mean you stock up on supplies ahead of time?

And always have a back-up plan, even if that means dusting

off the old scoop shovel?


Snow by the park


In front of the old lumber yard


Looking up 10th Street


A pre-Christmas dinner was held Saturday, December 19th,

at the home of Dale & Karen Isaacs. Guests were: Jerry & Renae

Hull, Michael and Matthew, Hastings; Rebecca Bailey and

Mike Brungardt, Blake and Hayden, York; Chris and JoDee Juilfs,

Zack Juilfs, Spencer and Ben Semin, Bennett; Randy and Jeanie

Steinkuhler, Unadilla; Megan Poppas and Jon Poppas, Chicago;

Addison Poppas, Lincoln; Russell, Kevin, and Kaylee Hull, and Dale

Stubbendick, Syracuse; and Harold and Sue Hull, Douglas.

After grandma Karen got her dinner ate, the "Can we open gifts now?"

started. Karen said seeing the little ones open their gifts and

the expression on their faces was the big highlight of the day.

Also, this was the first time in many years this many family members

could be together. It was a great day for all.


Most Christmas Eve services and Sunday services were

cancelled due to the weather.



Our own Lil' Miss Germanfest, Nicole Stubbendick

helped to light the Tannenbaum Tree in Syracuse.



Saturday, December 19th, Glen & April Isaacs hosted the

Achen Family Christmas. The festivities started out with the

kids sledding through the bean field and ended with a soup dinner.

Gavin Wardyn, the newest member of the family, met

more of his relatives.




Saturday, December 26th, the Wilhelm family met at the home of

Ruth Wilhelm in Syracuse. Pizza was served and then the

"present" game followed. It was lots of fun as usual! Those

attending: Bev Wilhelm, Chuck Bjork, Nick, Lynn, Livia, & Halle

Wilhelm, Marcus, Brianne, & Charlie Wilhelm, Bob & Barb Wilhelm,

Michele, Maisie, & Madison Hillman, Dave, Nola, & Travis

Johnson, and Jo Wilhelm.




1-1   Aaron Bailey, Tyler Crownover

1-2   Gerri Eisenhauer

1-3   Glen Wyatt, Samuel Hincker

1-5   Corrine Zahn

1-6   Jerry Friede




Friday, 12-31-1909, The Otoe Union:

The temperature was 13 degrees below zero. O.G. Stoner's

mail delivery wagon tipped over in a snow drift. Anna Wendeln

died and was buried in Dudley cemetery. Nellie West won

first prize, a large doll, in I.S. Darling's Christmas raffle.

Paul Naeve received a Christmas box from Hamburg, Germany.

There was "still a lot of ungathered corn in the fields."



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The Old Avoca Schoolhouse will be hosting a Jamming

Workshop on Saturday, January 9, from 1-3 p.m.

Championship fiddler and fiddle book author,

Deborah Greenblatt, will share some hints to help

you play in a jam session with minimum stress, and

maximum music. Pre-registration is required, enrollment

is limited, and there is a $20 fee.

For more information, call 402-275-3221, or email

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The Otoe County Genealogical Society will hold its

January meeting on 1-14-09, at the Otoe County Museum of

Memories, 366 Poplar Street, in Syracuse, Nebraska. This

meeting will welcome new members into the society, and will also

cover topics of interest concerning research in the Otoe

County Area. The meeting is open to all who are interested in

joining the society, or just wish to attend to learn more about

genealogical research in general.

OCGS Vice President, Duane Arends, will present a class

on "Time Lines", which will cover how utilizing time lines

to document your family's history can greatly assist you

in uncovering valuable information about your ancestors.

To learn more about the society, please check out our website,

or contact the Morton-James Library or the Otoe County Museum

of Memories.



At the Lofte Community Theatre in Manley, acting up in class is not

only accepted, but strongly encouraged. Back by popular demand,

the Lofte is gathering its most talented artists in a classroom

environment to teach and prepare young actors and

actresses. Four separate classroom sessions will cover

Acting Basics, Intro to Dance, Vocal Audition, & Stage Combat.

This one-day theater workshop will take place on Saturday,

January 23 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Enrollment is open to

young people ages 10-18 at any level of experience. Space

for this event is limited and slots will be filled on a first

come, first served basis. Participants should plan on arriving

15 minutes early for check in.

Tuition for the workshop is $50 per student and includes a

box lunch. Each student will also receive a graduation gift.

Questions may be directed to Anne Pope at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To obtain a registration sheet, please call the Lofte box office at

402.234.2553 or download it at


Lofte students learn a few basic dance moves from Megan Kovar

of Lincoln during last year's Acting Up in Class.






!st Place: $100.00

2nd Place: $50.00

3rd Place: $25.00

This event inspires fiddlers to compose their own tunes, and

supports the cause of string education througout the

great state of Nebraska. The winners will be announced

on May 29, 2010, during the Monumental Fiddling Championship

held at the Homestead National Monument in Beatrice,

Nebraska. The winning compositions will be performed at the

Championship, and printed in Stringing Along, the journal

of the Nebraska Chapter of the American String Teachers

Association. Direct your questions and get rules and

guidelines from:

Deborah Greenblatt

The Old Schoolhouse

PO Box 671

Avoca NE 68307-0671

or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Send us your news, photos, and ideas

at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Have a GREAT week!
