2-2 Library open 5-6:30 p.m.
2-6 Groundhog Celebration
Letter to the Editor:
As you may know by now the SDA school board voted to move the
students from the Unadilla School to the Syracuse Elementary
school next year. I know I was elected to the school board to
continue using the Unadilla building as a school. I have failed
for that and I am sorry.
I would like to thank all the families for their hard work and time
trying to keep the school open. Please do not think it was a waste
of time because we tried our best and that's all we could do.
I would like to thank the Unadilla Town Board for letting me give
them information and trying to resolve this issue.
Now I would like to address the residents of the school district.
The school board voted to close the school but they are going to
retain ownership. There were a lot of people who wanted to close the
school because they didn't want to pay for the daily operation
of the school. Guess what, the school is going to be empty and
you're still paying for it like it was being used. If you truly
believe the comments that you made concerning the closing of the
school, then you should contact the school board members and tell
them to release the building back to the town of Unadilla. I urge
you to do this because it's the right thing to do.
Thank you
Tyler Crownover
The Bar was broken into early Saturday morning. The owner was there
and gave chase to the thief with a broom, who ended up diving
through one of the front windows. What a way to start the day!
Condolences to Kate Lucas and family on the loss
of her sister
More sad news to report: there will be no Unadilla BBQ
this year. There are still plans for city-wide garage sales and
ballgames, but no meal. If your organization or group would like
to take on this fund-raiser, please call Doni Stoner at 450-8344.
Some other suggestions are a horse shoe tournament, 2 X 2
basketball, or sand volleyball.
Groundhog Day will be hear before you know it!
If you're planning on attending the parade this year,
you might want to bring along some lawn chairs if the
weather's nice. For a complete listing of events and times,
click on the "events" tab above.
Maisie & Madison Hillman spent the night with Grandpa &
Grandma Wilhelm Friday night. There was a lot of guitar
playing and 3 new songs were written. The one about the
Groundhog wasn't bad. They chose to "make paper" as their
experiment this time. Grandma thought she would hurry the
process along by putting the paper shreds in the blender - it
also called for cotton balls - don't put cotton balls in the
blender - what a mess. The experiment turned out pretty
well even if the only food coloring we could find was green.
It said it would take 3-4 days for the paper to dry - more
on this later!
Apparently the photo I had identified as Ned Lucas
is NOT Ned Lucas!
Anyone know who it is?????
1-28 Bryce Luff
1-29 Ernest Schmucker, Jan Maloy
2-3 Jean Lucas, Cassie Royal
There are no Unadilla papers available for January 1910
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All the Classified Ads are on the Left Side
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(just click on the Editor's name)
The Otoe County Genealogical Society will hold its February
meeting February 11, 7:00 p.m. at the Morton-James
Public Library in Nebraska City.
Our guest speaker will be Dean Podoll, who will give
a presentation of the 2nd Nebraska Calvary's role
during the Civil War. He has documented and studied
their history over the past several years.
For more information:
The Old Avoca Schoolhouse will be hosting a Twin Fiddling
workshop on Saturday, February 13, for fiddlers, violinists,
or violists, who want to learn to play nicely with their
fellow fiddlers. Any age or experience level are encouraged
to enroll. Deborah Greenblatt will share some tunes, hints about
arranging for two fiddles, playing back-up, etc.
Pre-registration is required, and enrollment is limited.
The fee is $20.00 per fiddler.
For more information: 402-275-3221
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let's face it, sometimes we need a little help in the romance department.
Well, the Lofte Community Theatre in Manley has taken steps to
create an enjoyable evening for singles, sweethearts,
and even old married folks!
On Saturday, February 13th, the Lofte is holding a
special Sweetheart Event to celebrate Valentine's Day.
The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Wine tastings will be provided
by Slattery Vintage Estates of Newhawka.
A variety of delicious hors d'oeuvres will be on hand
and later, the instrumental group "Skylark" will take the stage.
New this year, Krambeck Photography will will present
for professional photo opportunities. The only
thing that's missing is you and your date!
Tickets are $20 per person. Due to liquor license
requirements, wine tastings will be priced separately at the
door. Advanced reservations are not required, but are
strongly suggested. Call the Lofte box office at
402-234-2553 or go
to the website:
Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have a GREAT week!