8-9 Unadilla Volunteer Fire Dept meeting 8:00 p.m.
Belated 50th birthday wishes to Richard Lechner
who celebrated 7-23
One of the prettiest corners in town is maintained
by Teresa & Bruce Liesemeyer
Congratulations to Betsy (Brandt) and Mike Pavelka
on the birth of Cole Robert Pavelka. Local grandparents
are Bob & Barb Brandt; great-grandmother Rose Marie Brandt.
Uncle Barry says he's a cutie!
Thanks to Marvin Lucas, Dean Luff, and Keith Kimbell for
their generous donation to the Unadilla Cemetery
Condolences to the many family and friends
of Maxine Stilwell
Can you believe the County Fair is almost here? Please
remember the picnic tables are spoken for that week.
Let us know what you're entering and how you do.
Good Luck!
Richard Lechner, owner of Unadilla Hardware & Repair,
is updating the front of his building. It really looks good
and coordinates well with the black railing out front.
It's been a hectic summer for everyone,
but please, don't forget to share your news!
All the rain has slowed the finishing of the park shelter
but these were taken today:
The ceiling is in and awaiting electricity
Water has been run to the outdoor kitchen area
and a hydrant has been installed.
7-29 Travis & Tonya Johnson (#15)
Jill (Vogt) & Jimmie Cox (#4)
8-1 Glen & Susie Wyatt (#65)
8-2 Kurt Wenninghoff, Chloe Moore
8-3 Ned Lucas
Rick & Arliss Wassenbert (#23)
8-4 Chelsea Block
Jeremy & Cassie Royal (#3)
Friday, 7-29-1910, The Otoe Union:
A concrete walk was put down in front of the Commercial House.
George "Shorty" Rose went to Omaha to witness the air ship
flight. Wheat was yielding 20-27 bushels per acre; oats were
45 bushels per acre. Phillip H. Goering and J.E. Stedman
attended the Democratic convention in Grand Island. It was
unusually dry, the passenger train set 7 pastures on fire
between Unadilla and Lincoln.
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(just click on the Editor's name)
Cass County Fair Aug 10-14
Otoe County Fair Aug 15-18
Auditions for Neil Simon's play, "Jake's Women" will take place
at the Lofte Theatre on Monday, July 26 and Tuesday, July 27
at 7 pm. There are parts available for six women, one man, and one
young girl (age 10-15). Auditions will consist of cold readings
from the script. Kevin Colbert will direct. Performance dates
are August 27-29 and September 3-5, 9-12.
The August OCGS meeting will be held on 8-12, 7 pm, at
the Syracuse United Methodist Church, 560 6th Street, Syracuse
OCGS President, Curtis Wolbert, will be presenting a class
entitled "25 Common Mistakes in Genealogical Research".
Hope to see you there!
The Lofte Community Theatre in Manley announces
"Guys & Dolls"
Performance dates: July 16-18, 22-25, 29-31,
and August 1.
Performance times are 7:30 pm Thus - Sat
and 2 pm matinees on Sundays.
July 18 and 25 have both a matinee and evening performance
Tickets are $16.00 or 402-234-2553
Pictured: Betty & Samantha Colbert. Betty played the role of
Sarah Brown in 1992. Her daughter, Samantha, will be playing
the same role 18 years later at the Lofte Community Theatre.
Show our local military veterans how much you care while you dance
the night away under the moonlit starry skies!!
Aug 20, 2010
Gates open at 6 pm. Concert begins at 7 pm.
Sumtur Amphitheater, 11691 S. 108th St, Papillion, NE
(about 1 mile south of Highway 370 on 108th Street)
To benefie the Veterans Memorial at
the Eastern Nebraska Veteran's Home, Bellevue, NE
Admission: Reserved seats $15; General $10, Concessions
Sponsored by Hy-Vee, Bellino Enterprises, Night Vision Fireworks
Contact info:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 402.672.5050
Contest Fiddling Workshop
A workshop for fiddlers who want to compete in fiddle contests
on Saturday, Sept 11, from 1-3 pm, in the old Avoca Schoolhouse.
A wonderful opportunity for fiddlers of all ages to learn to
choose appropriate tunes, work with their back-up players, and
to communicate with an audience. Participants should prepare
a tune or two to play for their fellow fiddlers. Memorization is
optional. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $20 per fiddler.
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!