8-12 OCGS meeting @Syr Methodist Church
8-16 Veteran's Parade
If this seems a little disorganized or "lacking", my computer took a hit
during last Tuesday nights storm and I'm still looking for files on my
external backup!
Arlin & Ninajean Rohlfs, Kevin, Deana, & Lane Rohlfs, and
Brady & Lori Rohlfs all attended the Awards Banquet
of the Nebraska Coaches Assn. on July 25th. Rochelle Rohlfs
received the Nebraska Volleyball Coach of the Year
Award there. Congratulations Rochelle!
In response to last weeks news, Bob Stanley writes, "My mother,
Dorothy Stanley, was bitten by a diamondback rattler nearly
four feet long in 1937, on the family farm near Ohiowa, NE,
which is located about 80 miles southwest of Unadilla. The
nearest anti-venom was in Kansas City, so the old country doc
opted to just keep her comfortable and hope for the best. He did
cut x's on each fang puncture and sucked out as much poison as
possible. Those distinctive X scars were very visible until her
death last year. She was ill for several days after the bite,
but made a full recovery. She was 16 at the time and the bite
location was on her foot. My grandfather, with the help of the
family dog, located the snake, killed it, and took it to Morrill
Hall Museum in Lincoln.
Thanks for sharing Bob!
Karen Price will be picking up Unadilla kids going to Syracuse
at 7:45 a.m. in front of the Unadilla School Building.
Volunteers are busy working at the Unadilla Community Library,
sorting and rearranging books and getting ready for the
Grand Reopening at a later date. Anyone who would like to help
in this process, please call Peggy Leefers to find out the next
work date. There are lots of books to be moved around.
Everyone is welcome to come in and check out books when
workers are there.
Sunny, Stella, & Loy
Loy Boardman met his 14th great-grandchild Saturday afternoon
at the home of Bob & Barb Wilhelm. Stella Ann Peterson is the
daughter of Sunny (Boardman) & Kyle Peterson, Aurora. Sunny is
the daughter of Jim & Beckie Boardman, Lincoln
8-13 Jo Lewis
8-15 Kylea Block
Friday, 8-12-1910, The Otoe Union:
Warren Davis left for Elgin, NE. "Judge Carper is batching
this week, his principal food in Angel food and canary hearts."
"A.J. Callaway has purchased a Page Detroit, three cylinder
valveless auto, and it is a beauty."
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AUGUST 14, 2010
Hog Roast beginning around 3 pm with entertainment by
COWBOY UP! Lincoln parachute club will be jumping...
Auction/Raffle throughout the day/evening.
$10 free will donation per person gets you fed and
entertained. Scentsy Candles sales with 15% of sales
going to the benefit, and a bake sale...all proceeds go to
the victims of the June 20th flood in Avoca (Kristi Staack,
Randy Fletcher, & Natalie Dowling). Monetary donations
can be made to Heartland Community Bank
c/o Avoca Flood Relief Fund
other donations please contact
Vicki at 677-4833
BYOB & BYO chair or blanket
Otoe County Fair Aug 15-18
Neil Simon's play, "Jake's Women" performance dates are
August 27-29 and September 3-5, 9-12.
Kevin Colbert will direct.
The August OCGS meeting will be held on 8-12, 7 pm, at
the Syracuse United Methodist Church, 560 6th Street, Syracuse
OCGS President, Curtis Wolbert, will be presenting a class
entitled "25 Common Mistakes in Genealogical Research".
Hope to see you there!
Show our local military veterans how much you care while you dance
the night away under the moonlit starry skies!!
Aug 20, 2010
Gates open at 6 pm. Concert begins at 7 pm.
Sumtur Amphitheater, 11691 S. 108th St, Papillion, NE
(about 1 mile south of Highway 370 on 108th Street)
To benefie the Veterans Memorial at
the Eastern Nebraska Veteran's Home, Bellevue, NE
Admission: Reserved seats $15; General $10, Concessions
Sponsored by Hy-Vee, Bellino Enterprises, Night Vision Fireworks
Contact info:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 402.672.5050
Contest Fiddling Workshop
A workshop for fiddlers who want to compete in fiddle contests
on Saturday, Sept 11, from 1-3 pm, in the old Avoca Schoolhouse.
A wonderful opportunity for fiddlers of all ages to learn to
choose appropriate tunes, work with their back-up players, and
to communicate with an audience. Participants should prepare
a tune or two to play for their fellow fiddlers. Memorization is
optional. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $20 per fiddler.
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!