8-19 Open House at schools
8-23 School starts!
8-28 Electronic Recycling Event - Nebr. City
Condolences to the family and friends of Fredric Schutz
Keep up on school activities, class schedules, and meal menus at
Open House on 8-19
Elementary 5-6:30 pm; Middle School 6-7:30 pm;
High School 7-8 pm
I've seen enough tomatoes and peppers to last me until February -
the banana pepper plants must be multiplying over night!
One of the most beautiful and interesting yards in town
belongs to Dan & Bev Anderson
Lots of items were discussed at the Board meeting last Wednesday
night. Speed bumps will be placed at each end of Main Street to
slow down traffic and avoid a lot of "close calls" that have been
reported. The emergency generator installation at the new shop is
on hold until an LP gas tank can be transported to Unadilla. Lots
of street repairs were discussed as well as how to pay for them. The
current list of Fire & Rescue members were certified and a copy
was given to Barry Brandt. The upcoming Village budget documents
were discussed with Melinda Clarke, CPA. The outdoor kitchen phase
of the park shelter project is on hold until the final cement pour.
Bob Wilhelm would like to thank everyone, workers AND players,
who patronized the Bingo stand at the Otoe County Fair and
reminds you that all proceeds go to Youth Programs.
The Community/Christian Church garden continues to grow
8-20 Tom Rodaway
8-21 Burton Brandt (#8)
8-22 Craig & Chris Kimbell, Dennis & Sharon Baker
8-23 Bob & Marcia Bryan
8-24 Tom Block, Jane Lewis, Avery Stevenson
8-25 Summer Renee Wardyn (#4)
Friday, 8-19-1910, The Otoe Union:
Alex Sloane, Unadilla, accompanied by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Black,
left for a visit at his old home in Scotland. Earl Currah left for
Leadville, CO. Walter Besch, Hopewell, purchased a new automobile.
Andy Wilson, North Russell, sold his 80 acres to Dietrich Meyers.
Hair's had a sale on men's hoisery; Duncan's had reduced prices
on all oxfords; and Hall's Hardware was selling a 2-burner
stove for $8.00
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Otoe County Fair Aug 15-18
Neil Simon's play, "Jake's Women" performance dates are
August 27-29 and September 3-5, 9-12.
Kevin Colbert will direct.
Show our local military veterans how much you care while you dance
the night away under the moonlit starry skies!!
Aug 20, 2010
Gates open at 6 pm. Concert begins at 7 pm.
Sumtur Amphitheater, 11691 S. 108th St, Papillion, NE
(about 1 mile south of Highway 370 on 108th Street)
To benefie the Veterans Memorial at
the Eastern Nebraska Veteran's Home, Bellevue, NE
Admission: Reserved seats $15; General $10, Concessions
Sponsored by Hy-Vee, Bellino Enterprises, Night Vision Fireworks
Contact info:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 402.672.5050
Contest Fiddling Workshop
A workshop for fiddlers who want to compete in fiddle contests
on Saturday, Sept 11, from 1-3 pm, in the old Avoca Schoolhouse.
A wonderful opportunity for fiddlers of all ages to learn to
choose appropriate tunes, work with their back-up players, and
to communicate with an audience. Participants should prepare
a tune or two to play for their fellow fiddlers. Memorization is
optional. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $20 per fiddler.
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!