11-21 Community Thanksgiving service
@ Christian Church 7:30 pm
11-23 Library closed
11-24 School dismisses at 1:00
11-25 & 11-26 Village Office closed
11-30 Community Foundation mtg 10:00 am
Thanks to these All-Fund Drive contributors for their generous
donations: Rose Marie Brandt, Lynn & Anita Schomerus, Tom
& Irene Rodaway, Keith & Alberta Block, Irma Taylor,
Marvin & Jean Lucas, Jack Stilwell, and Bev & Chuck Bjork.
As stated last week, we are so lucky in this community to have the
continued support of our residents, in town and in the country.
"Rocket Detective" after school club, led by Barb Wilhelm,
ventured to the Park Hill Cemetery in Syracuse last Tuesday.
Students learned about the Veteran's Memorial and how to
locate names in the index. Paper and fat crayons were used to do
"rubbings" on the stones, bringing up names, designs, and stories.
Almost all the students found relatives buried there, and Mrs.
Wilhelm was very pleased with the respect the students showed
during this endeavor. Some of the rubbings turned out to be very
beautiful and were truly "a work of art".
Condolences to the friends and family of Mary Lou Warnke,
former Unadilla resident.
Congratulations to former resident Frederick Frye on his marriage
to Loretta Kelly on Oct 14th. The happy couple will make their
home near Hickman.
The November meeting of the Christian Church Circle was held at the
home of Sandi Kimbell on November 11, with 11 members and one guest
present. Jean Lucas gave the treasurer's report. It was noted that
a cleaning crew is needed for December. There will be no Youth Group
on Wednesday, November 24th. The Circle will provide drinks for
this group in the future - there have been about 25 children
participating. "Hanging of the Greens" was discussed and with
Pastor Andy's approval, it will be held the 28th of November
instead of the 21st. A community Thanksgiving Service will be held
at the Church on November 21st at 7:30 pm. Cookies and coffee
will be served after the service. The Circle Christmas party will
be on December 9th at the church, beginning at 6 pm. Members
are encouraged to invite a daughter or a friend. Bring a gift for
exchanging. There was no traveling basket due to the absence
of Patty Draeger. Hostess Sandi read some good information on
Veteran's Day and served desert. Mary Margaret Clark, Secretary.
Saturday, November 13, Madison Hillman had a bowling birthday
party with friends Grace & Hope Kuenning, Emily Wilkenson,
cousin Vanessa Hillman, sister Maisie, and Mom Michele.
Sunday evening, November 14th, Bob & Barb Wilhelm joined her
for cake and ice cream in honor of her 7th birthday. Also helping
were Mary Hanke, Deric, Codi, & Emie Hanke, Loy Boardman,
and Larry & Denise Boardman. Madison declared "It was
the best birthday ever!"
Sunday, November 14, thirty-two descendants of Carl & Mary Fisk
held their annual reunion at the Duncan Building. Three new members
of the family were welcomed: Stella Peterson and Reese Boardman,
great-grandchildren of Loy & Darlene Boardman, and Gavin
Gonzalez, great-grandson of Darrel & Lucille Fisk. Attendees
were: Bob & Barb Wilhelm, Michele, Maisie, & Madison Hillman,
all Unadilla; Loy Boardman, Lucille Kriefels, Dean & Carol Fisk,
all Syracuse; Nancy Freye, Martell; Carrie Freye, Larry
& Denise Boardman, Janet, Jay, & Devon Lind, all Lincoln;
Mary Hanke, Deric, Codi, & Emie Hanke, Kimberly & Daniel
Fisk, Joy Boardman, and Lisa and Gavin Gonzalez, all Omaha;
Sunny, Kellen & Stella Peterson, and Leenie & Reese Boardman,
all Aurora; and George & Sheila Zavodny, Weston.
Great food and great fun!
As of November 9, the Village of Unadilla now owns the
District 20 school building and grounds. All obligations
scheduled by the Syracuse School will be honored. Family
gatherings/reunions will now pay a fee of $75.00. Please call
Barb at the Village Office to make reservations. Also,
donations are being accepted for kitchen serving utensils, dish
towels & cloths, pot holders, folding chairs, tables, and other
items. Lots of ideas have been discussed, watch this newsletter
for more information.
Here's hoping you have a great Thanksgiving, with lots to eat, and
plenty of time to spend with family and friends.
If you're traveling, be safe!
11-18 Amber Kempkes
11-19 Kirsten Lewis
11-20 Dean & Sonya Achen
11-21 Ralph Tipken, Jordan Rumery, and Amy Vodicka
Friday, 11-18-1910, The Otoe Union:
"Lost on November 9, a white bench-legged fist dog, left ear
black. Wm Dean, Unadilla" (Any idea on what kind of dog this was?)
Wm. Botsford bought A.J. Callaway's implement business and
residence. Wm. Manley sold the hotel to B & M Agent Reasoner.
Everyone was husking corn.
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"Sip While You Shop" Annual Holiday Open House
November 27 & 28
1-6:00 pm both days
8925 Adams Street (west of Nehawka)
Deborah Greenblatt will share some hints about beginning
fiddling, shopping for a fiddle, reading music, playing by
ear, etc. Fiddles will be provided. The workshop takes place
on Saturday, November 20, 1-3 pm.
Pre-registration is required, enrollment is limited,
and there is a $20.00 fee.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, December 11, 1 - 3 pm
Learn how to play in a jam session with minimum stress and
maximum music. Pre-registration is required, enrollment is
limited, and there is a $20.00 fee.
Call 402-275-3221
or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!