
1-20   Planning Commission @Library 7:30 pm

1-25   Library open 4 - 6 pm

1-26   School dismisses at 1 pm

1-26   Youth Group 6:30 pm

1-30   Girl Scout Fundraiser @ Syr Methodist Church

2-1   Library Board Mtg 3 pm



Click on the "Events" tab above to see what's

happening on Groundhog Day!


Get well wishes to Jerry Leefers and

Gordon Hopp



Congratulations to Dan & Babette McWilliams on the birth

of their grandson, Nathan Daniel McWilliams, son of

Justin & Nikki McWilliams. We think he looks like his Dad!

All are doing well.



A HUGE thank you to Tony & Tina Engelbrecht for their

generous donation of basketballs and soccer balls. During

this yukky weather, they have been getting used a lot!



From left, Harold Zahn, Bill Farmer



Harold Zahn, left, and Bill Farmer, right, attended

the January meeting of the Post 100 Legion Auxiliary

and demonstrated the proper folding of the flag which is

then presented to a loved one at a Veteran's funeral.

They also spoke about the custom and what each action

stands for.


The annual combined Holiday Pary for the Legion and VFW

was held Friday night, January 14, at the Syracuse

Country Club. The food was great, and Carol Wallman did a

great job "exercising our brains"! Those attending from

Unadilla: Ron & Lois Johnson, Jack Stilwell, Ralph Tipken,

Chuck & Bev Bjork, and Bob & Barb Wilhelm.



On January 30, from 11 - 1, Junior Girl Scout Troop 21

will be serving a variety of soups, including chili and

chicken noodle, and desserts at the Syracuse Methodist

Church. It will be free will donation. Proceeds will go

toward the troop's six-day trip to Savannah, GA, birthplace

of Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon Low. The trip is

May 30th - June 5, 2011. You all know these girls,

let's help them out!


  The ladies Circle of the Unadilla Christian Church met Thursday evening, January 13th at the home of Mary Margaret Clark. The were 8 members answering roll call. Jean Lucas, treasurer, gave a report of finances. It was decided to make a donation to Woodhaven, in Columbia, MO. It is a facility for mentally challenged people and is supported by Christian churches. The quilt that was completed last summer will be on display during the Groundhog Day celebration. Chances may be purchased that day, and there will be a drawing at noon to pick the winner. The youth group will be selling concessions at the basketball games at the gym the next few weeks. Proceeds will go towards purchasing supplies for the meetings. Jeanie Steinkuhler suggested buying a fold-up table to be used for various functions at the church. Dues were collected from the members. A motion was made and carried retaining the present officers for another year. The traveling basket was brought by Patty Draeger and won by Jean Lucas. Mary Margaret then gave devotions and served lunch after the meeting was adjourned.



Did you know of all the earth's water, 97% is salt water

found in oceans and seas? Only 1% of the earth's water is

available for drinking, and 2% of all water is frozen.


Addresses of your Congressman

Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE)

DC Phone 202-224-6551

Lincoln Office 402-441-4600


Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE)

DC Phone 202-224-4224

Lincoln Office 402-476-1400


Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-01)

DC Phone 202-225-4806

Lincoln Office 402-438-1598


Rep. Lee Terry (R-02)

DC Phone 202-225-4155


Rep. Adrian Smith (R-03)

DC Phone 202-225-6435




1-23   Edgar & Nora Snyder,

Jerry & Peggy Leefers,

Bob & Barb Brandt

1-26   Arlin Liesemeyer




Friday, 1-20-1911, The Otoe Union:

You have the CHICKENS,

We have the OYSTER SHELL

Let us get TOGETHER

(adv. I.H. Stewart, Hardware & Furniture)

M.W. Duncan purchased 200 lots in Muskogee, OK.

Elmer Sedam and Bernie Keach opened a branch

photography studio in Bennet. Harry DuBois was

remodeling the meat market. The Heckathorn family

moved to Steel City, NE.




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(just click on the Editor's name)


KBC productions announces that the second play in its winter

season, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile", opens Friday,

January 22 at Mahoney State Park.

This play was written by Steve Martin in 1993, and is

rated PG13. Produced by Kevin Colbert and directed by

Katherine Cover, the cast includes William Cover,

Timron Gilfert, Noelle Bohaty, Clay Stevens, Kyle

Lorenz, Mellisa Marinovich, Travis Triplett, Grant

Covney, Kevin Holdorf, and Cynthia Sheldon.


Pictured: Clay Stevens, Noelle Bohaty, and Kyle Lorenz,

all from Lincoln

Performances: January 22, 23, 28-30, February 4-6,

10-14, and 18-20.

$8 adults / $6 children

A state park sticker is required for entrance

into the park.




Greenblatt & Seay's Schoolhouse Performance Series

features a concert of Irish music on Sunday,

March 13, at 2:30 pm.

The concert will be followed by light refreshments, and

a chance to chat and jam with the performers.

Admission: $5 adults / $1 children



The Lofte Community Theatre near Manley will hold auditions

for "Leaving Iowa" on January 31 and February 1 at 7 pm.

The production requires three men and three women.

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. It

will be directed by Kevin Colbert of Weeping Water.

"Leaving Iowa" will serve as the Lofte's entry in the

upcoming Nebraska Association of Community Theaters

competition March 18-20. It will also be the

2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates

on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.







Fiddle Camp for Beginners

Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17

9 am - 1 pm

Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers

Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15

9 am - 1 pm

register online:


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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:

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Have a GREAT week!
