
4-21   Planning Commission mtg @ Room #1 7:30 pm

4-22   No School

4-23   Library closed

4-25   No School

5-18   Volunters & BBQ mtg @ Library 7:30 pm



The family of Ruth Wilhelm gathered at her house Saturday

afternoon to celebrate her 90th birthday. There was some

major barbequing going on as well as lots of fun for the kids.

Those attending were: Jeff, Trisha, Hunter, Colton, Landon

& Sydney Wilhelm, Republican City; Bev & Chuck Bjork, Bob

& Barb Wilhelm, Michele, Maisie, & Madison Hillman, Unadilla;

Scott, Jenn, Ani, & Brody Hitzemann, Wellman, Iowa; Nick,

Lynn, Livia, & Halle Wilhelm, Jeremy, Irene, Reagan, & Pressley

Wilhelm, Syracuse, Dave & Nola Johnson, Jo Wilhelm, Lincoln;

and Marcus, Brianne, & Charlie Wilhelm, Omaha. What a

great time we all had!


These are the plans that have been finalized for Unadilla

Day, 6-25-2011: City-wide garage sales and Flea Market

at the gym, 8:00 am to ?; Sand volleyball tournament at the

Park; Dedication of the new park shelter 6:30 pm; Little

Tugger's pedal tractor pull starting at 4:30 pm on the

tennis court; meal served 5 - 7pm; SE Area Community

Band 5:30 - 6:30 pm; and Charlotte Endorf portraying

the "Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley" after the band is done

playing. If you would like to be a volunteer, please

come to the meeting on May 18th at the Library.






Did you know that if U.S. homeowners let their grass clippings

remain on the lawn, they could reduce fertilizer use by 25%

and save 1.3 billion pounds of chemical fertilizers and more

diesel fuel than Amtrak uses in 6 years?




The Village Board met Wednesday night, April 13th. The

installation of speed bumps on Main Street was scheduled

for 4-29; they approved a request from Moma Prelle's

Catering to have the kitchen at the Community Center

certified as a commercial kitchen; Tyler Crownover was approved

to be a volunteer fireman; Clerk reported the Community

Center is now a certified shelter for the Red Cross; and the

Clerk was instructed to put up No Dogs/No Pets Allowed

signs on the Community Center fence gates.


Tired of those telemarketers? A friend suggests trying this:

Answer the phone with "Hold on , please..."

Saying this, while putting down your phone and walking

off (instead of hanging-up immediately) would make

each telemarketing call so much more time-comsuming

that possibly boiler room sales could grind to a halt.

Then when you eventually hear the phone company's

"beep-beep-beep" tone, you know it's time to go back

and hang up your handset, which has efficiently

completed its task.

Who knows, it could happen!




4-21   Ruth Wilhelm, Larry Boardman, John Isaacs

4-23   Kirk Liesemeyer, Lois Chadwick, Nina Jean Rohlfs,

Rod Boardman

4-24   Marvin Vodicka, Mary Boardman Hanke




Friday, 4-21-1911, The Otoe Union:

Several children and a few teachers had the mumps. Paul

Naeve was leaving the Bank of Unadilla for the Farmers

Bank at Cook; Henry Stutt was to take his place. A son

was born to Thomas Luffs'. Mrs. Jake Mortimore

was quite sick with "ptomaine poisoning".



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The Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial and

Museum will be coming to Omaha for Memorial Day.

It will be on display in:

Veterans Memorial Park

56th & Underwood

Omaha, Nebraska

For further information:

Paula Pogge

Director of Events

Heroes of the Heartland Foundation

PO Box 6049

Omaha NE 68106


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The 25th Annual

Spring Affair Plant Sale

Saturday, April 23, 2011

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Lancaster Event Center - Pavilion

84th & Havelock Ave. Lincoln, NE


KBC Productions and Mahoney State Park announces the

romantic comedy, "Suitehearts" will begin its spring

theater season run on March 25. The story revolves

around two newlywed couples who are mistakenly double-

booked in the same honeymoon suite.

Performance dates are:

March 25-27, April 1-3, 8-10, 15-17, 22& 23


$8 adults   $6 children

402-944-2523 for reservations

A state park sticker or day pass is required

to enter the park.


Shari Hoelker, Marikita Payne, Dave Hibler,

Kevin Colbert, and Adam Kovar



The Otoe County Genealogical Society will be the local host

society for the 34th Annual Nebraska State Genealogical

Society Conference, held at the Nebraska City First United

Methodist Church, May 6th & 7th. The conference will feature

nationally renown speaker, Gail Blankenau, whose presentations

include: Breaking Through Land Records, Introduction to German

Parish Records, Dating and Identifying Your 19th Century

Photographs, Keeping up with the Jonses...and Smiths, and

Rich Resources for Poor Ancestors. Cost for the 2-day

conference is $75.00 and a 1-day session is $40.00

Registration information for the conference can be found on

the OCGS's main webpage: http://ocgs.homestead.com



   Will be the

2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates

on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.




Fiddle Camp for Beginners

Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17

9 am - 1 pm

Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers

Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15

9 am - 1 pm

register online: www.greenblattandseay.com


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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:

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Have a GREAT week!
