5-8 Mother's Day
5-10 Library open 4 - 6 pm
5-11 Board Mtg @Library 7:30 pm
5-14 Library open 9 - Noon
5-14 SHS Graduation
May is National Bike Month - now is the time for getting
yours in working order. I've been admiring the green one
with the big white basket parked on the east side of the
bank - Renee, thanks for being an inspiration!
April birthdays were celebrated at "Area 51" Saturday
night. Can you believe Keith Kimbell is 60?
Get well wishes to Curtis Kimbell and continued wishes
to Lori Carman.
On Saturday, April 23, Abby Vodicka participated in the
Governor's annual Easter Egg Hunt. During her visit she
personally was introduced to Governor Heineman and
First Lady Sally Ganem. During the Easter egg hunt she
collected quite a stash of goodies. Also during this trip,
Abby and grandparents toured the state capitol just before
the hunt.
Did you know if you recycle one six-pack of aluminum cans
every week, you will save enough energy to power a
television for 936 hours?
Belated first anniversary to Jaimie & Zachary Wood
Plans are being finalized for Unadilla Day, 6-25-11.
Come to the meeting on May 18th at the Library
7:30 pm, if you would like to help, share info, or
are just curious.
Besides the new microfilm reader donated to the Village Library,
it should be noted that old district court records have been
deposited there, some being from the latter 1800's.
5-6 Norman Duncan, Troy Whitehead
Justin & Nikki McWilliams
5-8 Karen Isaacs
5-9 Annette Emerson
Friday, 5-5-1911, The Otoe Union:
Unadilla's population in 1900 was 243; in 1910 it was
209. There was a push to rebuild the new buildings on
Main Street in a straight line. Most merchants were working
out of temporary buildings. A son was born to Edward
Smack near Hopewell. Ordinance #70 was passed
stating that any building erected in Block 39 (Main Street)
must be constructed of brick, stone, or other incombustible
material and have a fire-proof roof.
Read other communities newsletters by clicking on:
All the Classified Ads are on the Left Side
All the Newsletters are on the Right Side
(just click on the Editor's name)
Schoolhouse Fiddle Workshop for
Folks Who Have Never Fiddled
May 14, 2011
1 - 3 pm
Old Avoca Schoolhouse
Pre-registration required
Cost: $20.00
Sunday, May 8th, 2:30 pm
Old Avoca Schoolhouse
The Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial and
Museum will be coming to Omaha for Memorial Day.
It will be on display in:
Veterans Memorial Park
56th & Underwood
Omaha, Nebraska
For further information:
Paula Pogge
Director of Events
Heroes of the Heartland Foundation
PO Box 6049
Omaha NE 68106
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The Otoe County Genealogical Society will be the local host
society for the 34th Annual Nebraska State Genealogical
Society Conference, held at the Nebraska City First United
Methodist Church, May 6th & 7th. The conference will feature
nationally renown speaker, Gail Blankenau, whose presentations
include: Breaking Through Land Records, Introduction to German
Parish Records, Dating and Identifying Your 19th Century
Photographs, Keeping up with the Jonses...and Smiths, and
Rich Resources for Poor Ancestors. Cost for the 2-day
conference is $75.00 and a 1-day session is $40.00
Registration information for the conference can be found on
the OCGS's main webpage:
Will be the
2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates
on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.
Fiddle Camp for Beginners
Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17
9 am - 1 pm
Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers
Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15
9 am - 1 pm
register online:
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!