5-11 Board Mtg @Library 7:30 pm
5-12 OCGS mtg @Lindenview Asst Living 7:00 pm
5-12 Christian Church Circle @Jeanie Steinkuhlers 7:30 pm
5-14 Library open 9 - Noon
5-14 SHS Graduation
5-17 Library open 4 - 6 pm
5-18 Volunteers mtg @Library 7:30 pm
Congratulations to Bob & Cindy Stanley who are
celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on May 14th
Continued "Get Well wishes" to Curt Kimbell and to
Amber Kempkes.
A huge thank you to Syracuse Chiropractic for the bookshelf
to house some of the preschool age books. It provides much
needed shelving for our growing library collections.
Condolences to the Mike Hickman family on the loss
of Mike's Dad.
Condolences to the Bartling & Kreifels families on the loss
of Mark Kreifels. Roy & Wanda Stubbendick and Dale & Karen
Isaacs went to the funeral Wednesday, May 4th in Falls City.
Mark was the husband of Rosita (Bartling) Kreifels and the
son-in-law of Rose Bartling. Many others from the area
also attended the funeral.
Friday, May 6th, Barb and Ruth Wilhelm attended the
"Grandparent's Program" at the Syracuse Elementary
auditorium. It was presented by the third graders and we
thought they did a wonderful job! Wasn't it just yesterday
they were kindergarteners?
The State Genealogical Society held their annual convention in
Nebraska City last weekend. It was interesting to view the area
through the eyes of attendees who weren't from Otoe County;
we forget what a boutiful part of the state we live in. Gail
Blankenau gave sessions on "German Parrish Records", "Keeping
up with the Joneses...and Smiths", "Using Land Records", "Rich
Resources for Poor Ancestors", and "Dating and Identifying Your
19th-Century Photos". Dr. Sara Crook, professor at Peru State
College, portrayed Barbara Kagi Mayhew, and discussed some of
the families activities with the Underground RR. Curt Wolbert,
OCGS President, gave a presentation on "Research at the
Nebraska State Historical Society Library". And Dean Podoll,
volunteer teacher in the Omaha Public Schools, gave a most
enjoyable program on "Notable Nebraskans during the Civil
War". One of the men he mentioned is buried in Park Hill
Cemetery and another in the Warner Cemetery. Next year
Grand Island will be host to the conference.
Did you know that if you recycle your Sunday paper every
week, you will keep four trees alive per year and increase
the earth's oxygen?
5-13 Sherrie Bowersmith, Andrew Kimbell
5-14 Cody Pester, Ann Crawford
5-15 Travis Johnson
5-16 Janet Oelke
5-17 Linda Liesemeyer, Matt Hickman, Sherri Moss
5-18 Becki Hickman, Emily Lewis
Ned & Kate Lucas celebrate their 65th anniversary!
Friday, 5-12-1911, The Otoe Union:
Elmwood was building a separate high school building for
$16,000. Palmyra had a "threatening letter, that they would
be burned out". Most local news items concerned the
businesses lost in the fire. R.J. Vaughan was Village Chairman;
C.A. Jackson, Village Clerk
Read other communities newsletters by clicking on:
All the Classified Ads are on the Left Side
All the Newsletters are on the Right Side
(just click on the Editor's name)
Schoolhouse Fiddle Workshop for
Folks Who Have Never Fiddled
May 14, 2011
1 - 3 pm
Old Avoca Schoolhouse
Pre-registration required
Cost: $20.00
The Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial and
Museum will be coming to Omaha for Memorial Day.
It will be on display in:
Veterans Memorial Park
56th & Underwood
Omaha, Nebraska
For further information:
Paula Pogge
Director of Events
Heroes of the Heartland Foundation
PO Box 6049
Omaha NE 68106
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Will be the
2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates
on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.
Fiddle Camp for Beginners
Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17
9 am - 1 pm
Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers
Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15
9 am - 1 pm
register online:
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!