5-20 Last day of School - dismissal 1 pm
5-21 Library open 9 - Noon
5-23 Red Cross Shelter Class @Library 7-10 pm
5-24 Library open 4-6 pm
5-28 Library closed
5-28 Unadilla High School Alumni Banquet
6-4 Clean-Up Day @Park
Congratulations to these Unadilla graduates from
Syracuse High School: Michael Bowersmith, Samantha
Bowersmith, Allison Moore, Stephanie Rodgers, Jonathan
Vodicka, and Nyle Bartling.
Congratulations to Gera Stilwell, who has retired,
after 47 1/2 years of teaching at Grandview, Murdock,
Palmyra, and Bennet.
Congratulations to Ned Lucas, who was inducted into
Shiloh Camp #2, Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War,
on Saturday.
It's been really windy lately, but do you suppose that's how
our street sign from 4th & G Street ended up in
Nebraska City???
Barb Wilhelm attended the Spring Program at the
Elementary School last Tuesday night, starring the
Kindergarteners and First Graders - such beautiful voices!
Bob & Cindy Stanley celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary with a vow renewal ceremony on May 14th at
the Unadilla Community Center. Pastor Fred Anderson
officiated with many family members and friends in
attendance. Bob & Cindy were married on May 16,
1986, at the Nebraska City Courthouse. Their children are:
Carl Stanley and wife Khristina of Hickman, Jason Fisher and
wife Jennifer of Cook, Christina Edgerton and husband Clint
of Lincoln, and Melissa Tenney and husband Christopher
of Cook, and 16 grandchildren.
Flags will be put up at the Unadilla Cemetery on Saturday,
May 28th. Those wishing to help should contact Keith Kimbell.
They will be taken down Monday evening.
The Unadilla High School Alumni dinner will be held on
Saturday, May 28th, at the Duncan Building. Social hour
begins at 5:30 and meal at 6:00. Bring your own table service
and a covered dish or dessert, and enjoy the evening
with your schoolmates.
Did you know if you started using cloth napkins it would keep
500,000+ tons of paper based trash out of landfills each year?
Even considering the cost of laundering those napkins,
the impact on the planet would be huge!
5-19 Bob Brandt
5-20 Leona Lewis, Kathryn Romine, Cindy Stanley
5-21 Verneda Kimbell
5-23 April Isaacs, Lois Johnson, Ron Wenninghoff,
Autumn Bailey, Alisha Bailey
5-24 Rick Wassenberg
5-25 Averil Gartner
Friday, 5-19-1911, The Otoe Union:
Large catches of good-sized fish had been caught in the
Nemaha. A daughter was born to L. Witt's. Ruth Brandt
accepted a teaching position in Lincoln. The family horse
of George Russell died at the age of 33. "The gypsies passed
through our town on Saturday and wished bad luck on the town."
Read other communities newsletters by clicking on:
All the Classified Ads are on the Left Side
All the Newsletters are on the Right Side
(just click on the Editor's name)
The Otoe County Genealogical Society will hold its Quarterly
Genealogy Workshop on June 9th at 7 pm at the Unadilla
Community Library, 770 G Street, Unadilla. Guests are invited
to attend so they can receive assistance in finding their missing
ancestors using computers in the Library. For more information,
please contact the society at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unadilla Village Library
Richard Hilske, Nebraska Winery & Grape Growers
President announced the kickoff of the association's 2011
Passport Program. The passport consists of a map of Nebraska
showing the locations of wineries and tasting rooms. Upon
purchase of wine or a tasting, the passport is stamped and
participants are ready for their next location. The passport
can be downloaded at www.nebraskawines.com
In addition, participants who visit at least 15 wineries
and 4 tasting rooms during the year are automatically
entered into a prize drawing.
Norfolk Public Library is excited and proud to announce that
the new U.S. Children's Poet Laureate, to follow Jack Prelutsky
and Mary Ann Hoberman, is J. Patrick Lewis. Mr. Lewis, a
nominee for a 2012 Nebraska Golden Sower Award, will be
appearing at the 17th Annual Norfolk Public Library Literature
Festival on Saturday, July 30, along with authors Sarah Prineas
and Jen Bryant. For ticket information, contact:
Karen Wyatt Drevo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or phone: 402-844-2108
Cass County Fair 2011 Schedule
The Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial and
Museum will be coming to Omaha for Memorial Day.
It will be on display in:
Veterans Memorial Park
56th & Underwood
Omaha, Nebraska
For further information:
Paula Pogge
Director of Events
Heroes of the Heartland Foundation
PO Box 6049
Omaha NE 68106
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Will be the
2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates
on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.
Fiddle Camp for Beginners
Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17
9 am - 1 pm
Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers
Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15
9 am - 1 pm
register online: www.greenblattandseay.com
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!