

6-9  OCGS meeting @Library 7:00 pm

6-11   Library open 9 - Noon

6-13   Fire mtg 7:00 pm; Rescue 8:00 pm

6-14   Flag Day

6-14   Library open 4 - 6 pm


Friday, May 27th, family and friends travelled to Grand Island for the

farewell ceremony of Nebraska National Guard Company B,

2-135th General Support Aviation Battalion (also affectionately

known as the "Muleskinners"), led by Captain Marcus Wilhelm.

Marcus grew up in Unadilla and graduated from Syracuse High

School. About 70 members of the unit and their families were

present, as well as the 43rd Army Band, 40+ Patriot Riders, Lt.

Gov. Rick Sheehy, Sen. Mike Johanns, Sen. Bill Avery, Brig. Gen.

Michael Navrkal, a representative from Ben Nelson's office, the mayor

of Grand Island, and other dignitaries. The event was held in the

Heartland Event's Center on the state fairgrounds.


Sunday, May 29th, the soldiers and their 6 Chinook CH-47's,

left for Ft. Hood, Texas, for 45-60 days of training. From there

they will go to Kandahar, Afghanistan, and the helicopters will remain

at Ft. Hood. The year deployment began when the left Grand Island,

so keep you fingers crossed, they will only be in country 10

months. At the end of his speech, Marcus appealed to the troops,

"Let's go do it and get it done."


Marcus's wife Brianne, will be in charge of the Family Resource

Group for this battalion. You won't be surprised to see many updates

here, and if you want to know more like addresses, needs, etc.,

please ask!


Memorial Day, I had the privilege to drive the Girl's and Boy's

Staters to the six cemeteries that Legion Post #100 and VFW

Post #5547 honors each year: Northbranch, Otoe, Delaware,

Hope Lutheran, Hopewell, and Syracuse. What a nice bunch of

kids - fighting the wind and the heat, and never a bad word or

disrespect of any kind.


Thank you to Allison Moore, Stephanie

Rodgers, Owen Bond, Tyler Wellman, and Brian Morrissey

for being an example of America's best.


After the scheduled ceremony at Park Hill, the tombstone

of former slave/Union soldier Isaac Stewart, was dedicated.


Civil War reenactors


The undraping of Isaac Stewart's tombstone


Stewart's stone with Civil war backpack and bed roll, haversack,

canteen, rifle, and memorial wreaths.


Curator of the Black History Museum, Omaha


Antique tractor parade stops in Unadilla Saturday

afternoon, June 4, 2011





Flooding near the intersection of Highway #2 and I-29



Hotel with sandbags and dirt "levee"


 Gas station with pumps removed and extensive

sand bagging


June 1, Norman and Rose Ann Duncan went to Granite City,

in Lincoln, to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with

friends and relatives. Congratulations you two!


Ernie Rowley would like to thank everyone involved in his

rescue call for their help, professionalism, and their

quick response.


Sunday, May 22, Jordan Long and two others participated in the

3-Man Bow Fishing tournament at DeSoto Bend. His team came in

2nd out of 30 teams. This was Jordan's first try at bow fishing, which

is fishing with a bow and arrow, the arrow having a string attached.

Contestant's are judged by the weight of fish caught, Jordan's team

bringing in 154 pounds of fish in 8 hours. Way to go Jordan!


Sunday, June 5, Ruth, Bob, & Barb Wilhelm, attended the funeral of

Dan Spiering in Elmwood. Dan was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig's

disease) several years ago, but in the end, lost his courageous

battle, with his sister and family members by his side.




6-1   Chad Pester

6-3   Keith & Alberta Block

6-4   Donna Crownover, Riley Porter

Rick & Annette Block

6-6   Turner Moore

6-9   Leigh Luff, Jackie & Philip Kachaturian

6-10   Jonathan Vodicka, John & Gera Stilwell

6-11   Brody William Brandt

6-14   Sam Pester




Friday, 6-2-1911, The Otoe Union:

I.H. Stewart sold his business to E.N. Russell. Samuel Gregory

Willard died in Lincoln and was buried at Unadilla. The GAR

from Syracuse decorated the graves at Hopewell.

Friday, 6-9-1911, The Otoe Union:

James Weaver, Unadilla, and Josie Clarence, Palmyra, were married

in Lincoln. Rev. D.M. Sayles resigned from the Christian Church

to study osteopathy. Lightning killed 8 of Henry Gartner's cows.

The ball field was moved to John Pell's pasture. "They have ordered

new suits, gray with black trimmings." Fred Wallen and Ed Russell

formed a partnership in the hardware business. I.H. Stewart and

family moved to Washington, Kansas.














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Walter Scott Lodge Restaurant

Platte River State Park

Opening for season: May 28 -30

Opening dailey beginning June 4 - Aug 21

Mon - Fri 8:30 am to 2:00 pm

Sat 8 - 10:30 am    Breakfast Buffet

11 - 2   Order off Menu

Sun 8 - 10:30 am   Breakfast Buffet

11 - 2 Dinner Buffet

Need more information?

Call Lois at 402.234.2217



The Otoe County Genealogical Society will hold its Quarterly

Genealogy Workshop on June 9th at 7 pm at the Unadilla

Community Library, 770 G Street, Unadilla. Guests are invited

to attend so they can receive assistance in finding their missing

ancestors using computers in the Library. For more information,

please contact the society at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Unadilla Village Library



Richard Hilske, Nebraska Winery & Grape Growers

President announced the kickoff of the association's 2011

Passport Program. The passport consists of a map of Nebraska

showing the locations of wineries and tasting rooms. Upon

purchase of wine or a tasting, the passport is stamped and

participants are ready for their next location. The passport

can be downloaded at

In addition, participants who visit at least 15 wineries

and 4 tasting rooms during the year are automatically

entered into a prize drawing.



Cass County Fair 2011 Schedule




   Will be the

2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates

on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.




Fiddle Camp for Beginners

Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17

9 am - 1 pm

Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers

Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15

9 am - 1 pm

register online:


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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:

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Have a GREAT week!
