6-18 Library open 9 - Noon
6-19 Father's Day
6-21 Library open 4 - 6 pm
6-25 Unadilla Day
Sunday, May 29th, the family of Loy Boardman celebrated his 84th
Loy and kids: Jim Boardman, Barb Wilhelm, Mary Hanke,
and Larry Boardman
Loy and grandkids:
Sunny Peterson, Joy Boardman, Michele Hillman,
Deric Hanke, Darlene Boardman
Loy and great-grandkids:
Maisie, Loy holding Stella, Madison
Emie, Kellen, Reese
The family of Casper Menniga would like to thank everyone who
contributed to the American Legion Ballfield, Syracuse, in Cap's memory.
He was a long time Otoe County resident and WWII veteran who
died June 30, 2010. Cap was a dedicated American Legion member
and often worked in the ticket sales booth. He will be listed with a
"home run" on the donation board and is fondly remembered by
us all.
Thanks to Judy Stoner Pope for her generous donation to the
Unadilla Cemetery Association.
John & Gera Stilwell drove to Lubbock, Texas, for the high school
graduation of their great-nephew, Colby Rozeau, son of Dr. Randy
and Lisa Rozeau. They were the house guests of John's sister,
Sara Rozeau, at her villa at Raider's Ranch. Hank & Rita (Rozeau)
Hall of Corpus Christi also attended.
There's still time to get your name on the garage sale list for June 25th -
call Barb at the Village Office at 828-5355
John & Gera Stilwell attended the Murdock Alumni Banquet and were
the guests of the 50-year class. John had coached basketball,
volleyball, and track. Gera had taught 2nd grade.
Bob & Barb Wilhelm travelled to Iowa over the weekend to see the
Scott Hitzemann family. They also took in the antique show at Kalona
The Elm's Ballroom was burned Sunday afternoon and was still
smoking early that evening. Oh the memories...!
Stilwell cousins 2011:
Mary, Alice, John, Jack, Martha, Jean, and Susan
The girls are the daughters of George & Mattie Stilwell; John is the son
of John & Pearl Stilwell; and Jack is the son of Burt & Gladys
Stilwell. John and Jack live in Unadilla; the girls all live in Lincoln.
Ladies Circle of the Christian Church met at the church Thursday
evening, June 9. Lois Ebert was hostess. Roll was called with 11 members
present. Jean Lucas, treasurer, gave a report of the monthly activities.
Kate Lucas, president, suggested an email be sent to notify members
of the Bake Sale for Unadilla Day, June 25th. It will be held at the
Duncan Building and items are to be there by 9 a.m. Sandi Kimbell
will make a sign to be placed in the window. There will be a Breakfast
Potluck on Father's Day, June 19. The meal will be at 9 a.m. and the
church service at 10 a.m. Circle will have Bingo at Good Samaritan on
August 17. Janet Simmons will be in charge of prizes. Members need
to be there by 1:30 p.m. Rose Marie Brandt suggested the travelling
basket be replaced with items donated to the Food Pantry. A vote was
taken and motion carried; this will begin in September, which is also the
next meeting. Rose Marie will be the hostess. She gave devotions and
Lois served lunch.
Mary Margaret Clark, Secretary
Mason Christopher was born to Cayla Shotsman on June 6, 2011.
He weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 19" long. Grandparents are
Cay & Ernie Rowley of Unadilla; great-grandparents are
Ernie & Lucille Schmucker of Unadilla.
Did you know a glass bottle thrown away today will still be there
in the year 3000?
Last week we had a photo of the motel at Hwy #2 and I-29
with levee and sandbags around it. This weekend when we came home
the sign said "Gone Fishing" on the east side and this is
what it said on the west side:
6-14 Sam Pester
6-16 Keith Liesemeyer
6-20 Bob Wilhelm
6-21 Corryn Lewis, Nick Emerson
Marvin & Jean Lucas (59)
Friday, 1-16-1911, The Otoe Union:
Hank Hahn was the new street commissioner. Frank Yeigh and crew
were building the first business building after the fire. It was the
Russell & Wallen Hardware Store, now Unadilla Hardware, on the spot
where the old Duncan building stood. Birney Keach and family moved
to Lincoln. Canning cherries "is the order of the day".
Read other communities newsletters by clicking on:
All the Classified Ads are on the Left Side
All the Newsletters are on the Right Side
(just click on the Editor's name)
Richard Hilske, Nebraska Winery & Grape Growers
President announced the kickoff of the association's 2011
Passport Program. The passport consists of a map of Nebraska
showing the locations of wineries and tasting rooms. Upon
purchase of wine or a tasting, the passport is stamped and
participants are ready for their next location. The passport
can be downloaded at
In addition, participants who visit at least 15 wineries
and 4 tasting rooms during the year are automatically
entered into a prize drawing.
Cass County Fair 2011 Schedule
Will be the
2011 season opener for the Lofte with performance dates
on May 28,29, June 3-5 and 9-12.
Fiddle Camp for Beginners
Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17
9 am - 1 pm
Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers
Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15
9 am - 1 pm
register online:
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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:
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Have a GREAT week!