The Massie-Richards Post #100 was named for two young men killed in WWI. Massie was from Unadilla and is buried in the Unadilla Cemetery. Richards was from Syracuse and is buried at Park Hill...
Massie-Richards American Legion Auxiliary Post #100
Jenice Bates and Judy Schwab preparing the windows in the old Variety Store in Syracuse for a Massie-Richards American Legion Auxiliary Post #100 display. Lois Johnson and Barb Wilhelm were also present.
Part of the display stating our Mission and outlining some of the projects we're involved in.
The Massie-Richards Post #100 was named for two young men killed in WWI. Massie was from Unadilla and is buried in the Unadilla Cemetery. Richards was from Syracuse and is buried at Park Hill. Members of the American Legion and its Auxiliary are mostly from Unadilla and Syracuse.
Poster drawn by Bill Formanack to help recruit new members for the Auxiliary.
Items that can be included in an "Angel Backpack". This is the second year the Auxiliary has been involved in this project. Angel Backpacks are given to soldiers picked up on the field who are being transported to a hospital. Items included: blanket, toothbrush & toothpaste, hand sanitizer, wipes, cards, hand-held game, snacks, pens, paper, envelopes, etc.
Auxiliary Co-President Jenice Bates, Legion Adjutant Bob Wilhelm, and Auxiliary Co-President Judy Schwab preparing for the District 12 Convention to be held in Syracuse March 14th at the High School.
Also attending the District preparation meeting: Lois Johnson, Auxiliary Secretary, Ron Johnson, Legion 1st Vice-President, and Jerry Goering, Legion Commander. Also present, Barb Wilhelm, Auxiliary Historian, and Kermit Reisdorph, District 12 Commander.
The American Legion was founded in 1919 and Massie-Richards Post #100 celebrated their 90th birthday Tuesday night, March 11, 2009, with a corned beef and cabbage meal. Serving the meal are l-r: Keith Kimbell, Bob Wilhelm, and Curtis Kimbell.
Norma Jean Nisely, Syracuse, receives her 50-year pin and certificate from Auxiliary Co-presidents Judy Schwab and Jenice Bates.
Bob Wilhelm receives his 30-year pin and certificate from Nebraska State Adjutant, Burdette Burckhart.
Jackie O'Neil, State Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer, spoke about the importance of the Auxiliary supporting Legion members.
Burdette Burkhart spoke on the many benefits of being a Legion member and ways to help Veterans.
30, 40, 50, 60, and 65-year members of American Legion Post #100.